A Mountainous People Ethnicity in Miria | World Anvil
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A Mountainous People

Crystal Records: Archive. These were the people of the place now called Song of the Lost.


Culture and cultural heritage

These people mostly kept to themselves, not friendly to foreigners or outsiders, but not barbaric either. They expected hard work to be done, as the terrain around them demanded it. One could say they were as hard as stone.

Common Dress code

Being a mountainous people, they wore thick attire to keep warm. The women wore dress robes as well as children up until the boys were of age to where shirt and pants. However, the attire chosen means the work they did was also their "uniform". This was to allow others to know what their craft or trade was.

Art & Architecture

Being surrounded by rock and stone, they used their very homes as artistic murals and canvases. Even the clothes they wore, the women would hone their cloth crafting in artistic patterns and images.

Coming of Age Rites

Coming of age took place on thier twelfth birthday where they have honed their skill enough to where the aproptiate attire for their trade or craft. However, they are first tested before giving gifts of new clothes and tools.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When one passes away, they are then carried out of the moutain by procession. The king would lead the way having the immediate family in tow, and then the rest; extended family and then friends. In their own stoney cemetary it is there they bury the dead in beds of made of stone.

Common Taboos

No matter the hardships they face concerning food, it is tabboo for anyone to consume their own flesh and blood.

Common Myths and Legends

There was one among them that was the strongest man and he believed his strength came from his own hair. As such, he would never cut his hair and always kept it up in a bun. Not a single one could contend with his strength, but it is said that a woman bested him, however not by strength, but she cut his hair. It is written, or as the legend goes, becuase of his weakness for women he lost his strength which ultimately ended with his death.

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Cover image: by Unknown Artist


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