Tradition of Nicknames Tradition / Ritual in Mirateia | World Anvil

Tradition of Nicknames

Giving someone a nickname is a tradition carried out by the Crienia people that can date its roots back to the old days, no one is quite sure when it all began, but most scholars agree that it likely started around the time when the two tribes that used to make up the Crienia before they merged over time into the Crienia.   Early on, the nicknames were based on what people around them thought made them unique. In the beginning, there was not much honour in the name but as time went on and people began getting nicknames based on achievements, some earned on the battlefield and the names slowly but steadily began to gain more prestige and people would begin to known by their nickname just as much as they would be known by their actual name, some people have over the years become so known by their nickname that their real name has mostly been forgotten and is only really known by scholars.   Over the years the tradition merged into one viewed with great respect and honour and is usually given to people who have done something exceptionally noteworthy, sometimes the name will be given as a title by nobles.   The tradition over the last couple of hundred years has become one where the common people give the name to the nobles and in particular the kings and later on the emperors.


Over the years a number of people have been given names that were viewed as honourable and some that were given to them by their rivals and sadly stuck.  
  • Helia "Barne" Bolbec was given the name Barne when it came out that because her family was poor and could not afford to have her, she was placed in a barn in the hope that someone would find her, Helia Barne would later become one of the most respected enemy generals by Pearlhal in its fight against her city-state.
  • Hadrian "The bad Astalles was one of the few kings of The Astalles dynasty that in his lifetime was declared insane and unfit to rule so was quietly moved only a sidetrack were his son in practis did the management of the kingdom at the time and Hadrian only acted as a frontfigure and to give the "usurpers" the legitimacy they needed to stay in power.
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