Sarsing Palace Building / Landmark in Mirateia | World Anvil

Sarsing Palace

The Sarsing Palace was a palace that was in use during the time of the Ancient Empire and was said to have been the largest palace in the empire, with the entire complex covering four acres of land. The few paintings of the palace that have survived show it having an enormous staircase leading up to the palace's main entrance. Other than that, not much is known about the interior of the palace.   Evidence such as written sources says that the palace is believed to have served a political role for the empire, although this theory is disputed by other scholars that say that the palace did not serve as a political centre but rather as the main religious centre. Other scholars, a minor faction, believe that the palace was only one of many palaces of this size and that it more served as a home for a powerful faction in the empire. Although scholars can not agree on the purpose of the site its believed that in whatever function it served, it could house up to 2000 people, these scholars have based on discovered ruins dating back to the empire although much smaller in size.   Due to the events that led to the ancient empire's fall, it has not been possible to locate where the palace once stood, despite several expeditions all over the Kingdom of Thynin that are believed to be the heartland of the empire, it has not yet been possible to find any signs of a palace of that size as described in the sources.


For the few written sources and the paintings, scholars have of the palace, certain features can be noticed that bear a clear resemblance to well-known weapons tech that its known the empire utilized.
Founding Date
Owning Organization
Based on ancient sources, the palace is said to have gotten its name from one of the gods that the ancients worshipped. A god that disappeared when their empire fell.

Cover image: by Suresh Kumar


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