'The Villainous Cause' #3 -- Ceriestrident and Seduction's Powers Prose in Miranse | World Anvil
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'The Villainous Cause' #3 -- Ceriestrident and Seduction's Powers

Golden promises not kept...

To some Ceriestrident is a healer. To some Ceriestrident is a soldier of fortune. To some Ceriestrident is a chanter of exquisite items. To all those who view him as one or some of these things, Ceriestrident has nothing but contempt. He is his only friend and in standing apart, he knows nothing of care, consideration nor decency.     There was a time, before donning his initiate's Seynse Or'Rahn mask, before first throw of his infamous weapon and taking life from another, before the chantried gauntlets had been fashioned and before his ambition ruled his mind, when he had been youthful. In that time his view of the world was less established and he might have been other than he became. He was young and strong and filled with the breath of the world. His sight took in the world and he enjoyed all that he beheld. In turn, the world seemed to favour Ceriestrident. It gave him one particular gift at birth and as he grew to manhood it began to be felt by many who looked at him. This man had all the gifts of charm. Not merely a certain look that he could give a person. Not only a smile wicked and inclusionary offered during a delicious tale of deception, sex and humour. Nor was it the subtle stance that seduced those who saw it. Not just the well proportioned head, strong jaw, piercing eyes and toned physique. It was these things and many aspects more, that being granted to him, Ceriestrident used happily and without thought. He enjoyed life's gift to him. He banked at the teller's window of charismatic success and while he withdrew heavily, still had funds left over. It was at this time that he first met Auduscithe. This could be seen as the moment of Ceriestrident's eventual undoing, though he would claim, that it was the making of him...         Auduscithe was a decent caster. He had managed to learn the basics when just a child. His prodigious talent had mellowed as he grew older and other interests had taken hold. By the time he was in his twenties, he was a fair but by no means special lockmartial. He did include as a minor speciality, some ability with making chantried blades. To be able to produce these was a rare thing. Auduscithe could make a sword edge never need sharpening or an axe that cut more deeply than it should. This was enough to earn him a place within the household of Prince Talochy of Terrach. Auduscithe contributed at least his fair share to the strength of the prince's household...         Terrach in this time was gripped in the fist of war. Their neighbours to the west had set upon Terrach during the spring months, siezing on when Terrach's sailors were already out on the seas. The Terrach capital's harbour defences had always been famed for their great strength and brilliant design. The initial Kreccidoc invasion fell greatly short of complete victory. Repulsed, despite their huge force, the invaders weren't able to manage more than a foothold outside of the walls of Kasken. As spring weather can turn, so it wheeled that week. Harsh and biting cold winds from the mountains battered the invaders. Hastily fashioned canvas sailcloth tents were little comfort for the desperate encamped troops of Kreccidoc. With nothing to burn for warmth, the troops were made to scavenge from their ships. Barrels and beds were burnt first. As the days went by and the icy breezes grew in strength, their captains selected the weakest and smallest vessel, the 'Able Aarten', to be chopped into firewood. What the encamped Kreccidocan force could not know was that the same cold winds that paralyzed their effort also had made it impossible for the Terrach fleet to return to relieve the city. Less ill-informed, Prince Talochy was under no misapprehension about the difficult position his people were in. His household offered many alternative ideas to solve the crisis. None were workable. A doom settled over the city. Desperation walked the Kasken streets like a street-tough bravo who had just bested his arch-rival...         Ceriestrident knew he might be able to do something. He had befriended Auduscithe just weeks before the invasion at a whoring house. Ceriestrident had already selected a girl for an afternoon visit to the entertainment quarter and had just paid the mistress for whatever might have followed that evening after the comedic play had ended, when he saw Auduscithe. The man was halfway to sitting himself into an armchair in the brothel's outer-salon but had stopped abruptly. Ceriestrident smiled at the delayed motion. It was if the fellow had been frozen by the bitter winds outside, on the way down to the chair's cushioned seat. But it was obviously the girl that had halted Auduscithe's progress. He was transfixed. Ceriestrident knew he'd picked a beauty but he also knew there were many who were at least as beautiful within the brothel. He'd only chosen this girl because she was from Douln. The play they were to see was based on that nation. Ceriestrident wanted to understand all the humour in the play and so had made his choice of companion with this in mind. Thinking this, he watched as Auduscithe tried to find the arms of the chair with his hands stretched out behind him. Auduscithe's gaze did not waver from the girl. He fumbled after the armrests -- repeatedly, then off-balanced frantically and vainly -- followed by spilling himself on to the floor before the chair. Ceriestrident laughed. They entered into a chat about the fall in which Ceriestrident made a few jests at Auduscithe's expense. Auduscithe was inclined to be irritated from embarrassment at first. As he answered Ceriestrident's off-colour remarks, Auduscithe grew amused. He couldn't help it, as the girl was doing all she could to hold back tears of laughter. Ceriestrident saw that here was a man wearing the insignis of membership of the Prince's household. If his plan to aid the city was to become reality, this man might be the key to unlocking Ceriestrident's future. Ceriestrident's words grew more ribald. He began to compare Auduscithe's anatomy with the girl's. As Auduscithe stammered his responses, Ceriestrident moved that conversation to suggest that the other two might stand before each other so as to allow him to more carefully compare their bodies. Auduscithe was happy to be before the girl and allowed Ceriestrident to lead him if it meant being closer to her. As the conversation came toward an ending, Ceriestrident made it clear that it was now obvious to him that the girl and Auduscithe were actually not a bad match in physical terms. He made up a nonsense about their hues seeming, "...most complementary", which with some verbal prodding, Auduscithe added his 'caster's expert second opinion'. As he took Ceriestrident's offered tickets for the play and led the girl off to the entertainment quarter, Auduscithe mouthed a question to Ceriestrident over his shoulder. Ceriestrident raised his brows and motioned up at the prince's keep while bowing deeply. Auduscithe nodded in understanding. The man simply wanted an audience. Auduscithe knew that meant a visit to the chamberlain first so the risk was minor. If this fellow were a Kreccidoc agent, the chamberlain would know it and send him to the cells. If he were not, well then perhaps he'd be useful in the household in one way or another. Auduscithe held small hope of this, however. There was an invasion force at the walls. There was little need for a loutish prankster, with a gift for bawdy insults at court, at such a time as this. Still, the man who called himself Ceriestrident was a fit enough looking man and his self-assuredness was compelling. Less imposing people had sometimes found their way into household service...     Auduscithe had almost forgotten the other man by the time he had managed a weary return to the keep the following evening. He was a harried looking fellow as he rushed past the outer gates and the men stationed there. His haste was engendered by his being late for his appointed turn at the chantry forges. His worry was well-founded. When he turned the corner that led to the auxiliary lenses, he saw three masters of arms waiting for him. It was clear they were not pleased. Their joint anger resulted in Auduscithe being ordered to prepare for a chantry detail. In normal periods this was a difficult task to accomplish. It involved the extraction of cords from the wilds of Terrach and bringing them to a place where chantried castes could be made upon them. Transporting the lenses and completing such an order was not easy. Auduscithe didn't fancy his chances of succeeding with the forces of Kreccidoc on the outskirts of the city. They'd have scouts stationed around the city for certain. His moving along with a wagon to transport the lenses would be all too easily stopped. There was no way to get out of the detail he'd been given. He would just have to get out there and hope he avoided any enemy contact.     He departed the citadel with a single draught-horse pulling a two-wheeled wagon. He headed straight out past the riverside towers. Auduscithe hoped to be mistaken for a farmer. He had taken some pains to dismantle the lenses from their stands. These were lying in the bottom of the wagon, protected by blankets and covered by a tarpaulin and some farm implements. His nerves were on a honed edge as he drove the wagon out from the protection of the city. He saw the grim faces of the gate guards and knew why they said nothing to him as he passed. Auduscithe knew his chances were poor of returning to Kasken. If he had a small chance to make it, it was made less by the fact that if he survived to produce some chantried weapons, he'd be an even more tempting target for the enemy. He made himself as small and insignificant as he could as the wagon rolled away. Up ahead, Auduscithe could see a single figure by the side of the road. As the wagon got close he could see that it was Ceriestrident. Auduscithe didn't quite know how to react. Here might be proof of his worst suspicions of this recent acquaintance. This man might very well be an agent of the Kreccidoc force.     Ceriestrident motioned for Auduscithe to halt the wagon. Soon enough Ceriestrident sat alongside Auduscithe atop the vehicle. As Auduscithe drove the wagon, Ceriestrident regaled the other with his story of becoming a healer. Auduscithe was partially interested but most of his attention was on the areas to the side of the road. He was certain an ambush would occur at any moment. Ceriestrident spoke on for three hours. The wagon did not meet any others and came to the place the masters of arms had marked on the map. Here it was that Auduscithe was to gather cords to chantry the three blades he had been given. Each of the masters of arms had given him a blade apiece. These were styled in the Terrach way, meaning that the sword blades were shorter than many other similar weapons. Two blades were of similar length at twelve inches, while the third was slightly longer. The blades were as different from one another as the masters were from each other. One was silvery, one was darker and duller and the longest was golden. Auduscithe considered them. It would be best to make for each, from the cordal panning, a hilt suitably reflective of the blade. He didn't want to waste time. He would be weary when done as this type of caste magick was personally costly. He knew he wanted the making done quickly so he might return to the safety of the city. He asked Ceriestrident to assist him by mounting the stands for the lenses, so the he might begin the chantrying. Ceriestrident was interested in how this was to work. Auduscithe told him how the auxiliary lenses acted in a way opposite to a lens portal. Instead of distributing people who passed through them to elsewhere, these lenses collected Colour from elsewhere and concentrated it in the solitary spot where the caster stood. This could create the basic requirement for chantrying to be done. The caster would need to be acting at the same time, to produce something of his own Colous and own ability to shape the power so collected, into the form of what he might. In Auduscithe's case this meant weapons. Ceriestrident listened intently. This was how he began to learn the chantrying skill. He would soon become better at this than any man alive. He recommended that Auduscithe make one weapon instead of three. Auduscithe thought this a good idea,as it would mean returning to the safety of Kasken all the sooner. Auduscithe suggested that he make the chantry for a trident. Ceriestrident seemed surprised by this but Auduscithe said he couldn't think of any other weapon that would have such blades, "all-in-one". So the making was begun.     Five riders appeared close by. Ceriestrident knew that Auduscithe could not help him with these, as he was deep into the chantrying of the weapon. This didn't bother Ceriestrident. He was accustomed to doing things for himself and without assistance. If anything he felt badly for the riders coming toward his position.     He began with pleasantries, "Welcome brave troopers of Kreccidoc. You've arrived just in time. Now you will bear witness to the rarest of chantries. Something to tell to those you wish to impress when you return home in gloried triumph. Imagine their reaction. You will grow in their eyes, into a man of stature and importance -- that lyou have seen this wonder of the mighty Auduscithe, caster of makings."     "Who, this man? He looks quite a regular caster to me. If he's as great as you say, why is he so average in appearance. Where are his sorcerer's robes? Where are his tools of making? I see nothing of greatness here." The words belonged to one of the five, who had a large bruise across his right cheek.     "Well spotted. There are those who wish to remain unknown by most. I only dare tell you of Aduscithe's true ability because he seeks his freedom from servitude to the Terrachan prince. If a patrol was to bring this mighty caster to its commanders, that patrol would be well rewarded, I'm sure."     "Sounds dodgy as a nervous 'tyck. Can you prove what you say?"     "I cannot but the caster will soon reveal the truth by his own handiwork. See how he devises a weapon as we talk of truth? This looks to be a more than unequivocal proof."     "What is it? Some sort of pole arm by the haft of it."     "Yes, a trident of Terrachan styling but especially modified by the hand of its maker. Auduscithe prefers to leave his mark on all his chantried works. Surely you've heard of his makings even in Kreccidoc?"     'Well -- yes. I think I may have heard of them, although I've not seen one before this."     Ceriestrident was satisfied that he had the measure of the bruised-faced soldier. The man wanted to appear as an authority figure to the other men in the patrol. "That's a nasty strike you've suffered there. I am something of a healer. The golden order has called me brother though I am on sabbatical from the monastery. I'd be happy to take a look at it for you?"     "No thanks. I don't like healers messing with my body unless it's serious. It's only a minor thing. I'll be fine in a couple of days."     "As you say, as you say. At least take this? A small vial of a compounded elixir. It will soothe the pain so that you can eat easily, despite the swelling in your face."     "How much?"     "Heh! No my good man, it comes with no cost. The Seynse Or'Rahn do not profit from their vocation. When you seize the city, you might make a donation for the monastery's upkeep. That will be more than enough."     The soldier's face grinned on the half of his face that wasn't damaged. "It'll be more than a pleasure. Isn't that correct, men?"     Only one did not smile in agreement. Ceristrident was pleased with how this was going. They were disarmed and feeling like victorious conquerors of the city already. He decided to press onward.     "There are several fine places in the city for obtaining companionship for a week or longer. Unfortunately, this is a costly thing. Not just anybody has the kind of wealth to manage it. It is well worth the money. Auduscithe here is wealthy thanks to his profitable vocation. You'd need something like the money he has to make a decent month's memories with the conjugals."     Another of the soldiers spoke, " Some of us don't screw around. I'm married. So I need to get my happy memories in other ways... You say you're on leave of some kind from the order of healers? That means you don't really need that mask of yours, I'd be thinking. Looks to be some gold in it. Enough to make me happy in the remembering of today."     Ceriestrident spoke, "Why, yes, you could take the mask from me. I could actually do with it being removed. Would you be so kind as to slip it off my face?" With that said, Ceriestrident slowly lowered his hood to his shoulders. "See the mask is held on to me by a simple clasp under each ear? Do the honours, my good fellow." The trooper who had stated his interest in the mask, moved his hands toward Ceriestrident's neck. He hesitated as his fingers hovered before the clasps. "So just release them then?"     "Aye."     "I'll just take the mask from you..."     Ceriestrident soundedd light-hearted, perhaps jubilant, "Aye, yes. It's nothing I can't do without. My healing skills don't derive from a mask after all. Take it, my friend. Gold such as you rarely get to hold all at once, eh?"     The trooper was unnerved. He'd expected outrage and resistance. The man before him seemed to welcome his loss. It made no sense. "The mask is warded, I imagine."     "Warded? Well that's a word of defence. I can honestly say that the mask has no defences. Now, are you going to remove the mask from me or not?"     The soldier could hear the other troopers telling him to force the mask off, if it wouldn't come loose. He tried the clasps. They sprung open easily with an audible noise. Ceriestrident said, "Well done! Now remove the mask. Sharpish. Now!" Ceriestrident's tone was pitched deeper, -- more commanding. This was a chance for him to take. If he succeeded in pressuring the soldier into removing the mask, he would have near control of him. If he did not succeed in the pressure...     "I -- I think I will leave the mask on your face. You seem a little too eager to see me take it. It could be cursed."     "Curses! -- Is that what you think? Well, maybe you're too smart for me. No matter as you will need something of almost equal value to have as payment for the conjugals... What about the trident?" Ceriestrident motioned to the now illuminated weapon. The chantry was glowing on its haft and blades. Auduscithe seemed to be succeeding. The weapon looked to be caste-most. Ceriestrident was satisfied and nodded.     "I'm not touching a chantried weapon made by your partner either. You think I'm thick?"     "Well, I'm not sure that you'd be a candidate to wield it anyway."     "Why not?"     "Too strong."     The soldier was prepared to argue whatever this healer was going to say was the reason but this actually wasn't much of an insult. He didn't mind being accounted as strong. "So, it's a light-weighted weapon, is it? You're right, I prefer a bit more heft to my haft!"     Auduscithe slumped somewhat, wearied by his effort. His body was as weak as he'd ever felt after a chantry. He hoped the trident would be a decent making. It felt as though it must be but before he could check, he would need to close his eyes for a few minutes to recuperate.     Ceriestrident said, "Here men, let me show you the weapon." He took the opportunity to remove the trident from the lens tripod stands, grasping the trident in his left hand. The troopers clustered near to see the weapon. The chantry magick was still clinging to the three blades. Wisps of Colour shifted with the motion that Ceriestrident created. Ceriestrident liked his chances. Drawing on a previously located cord of his Colour, he asked the trident's central gold blade to surge.     Golden light split into five beams, piercing the head of each outrider. Two died immediately. The others fell to the ground. The gold coloured light still played across their faces. The expressions of the two men were contorted in pain. Ceriestrident shuddered -- not from empathy but because he was overwhelmed by the effectiveness of the trident. He hadn't thought that Auduscithe would be quite this good at making. That might be an issue. He maintained the Gold shafts of Colour that were stuck through the soldiers. A simple step for him as he had practiced cord-stretch for many years. One of the two soldiers who were less incapacitated was the bruised one who had spoken most. Ceriestrident's attention turned to him, even as the other more mobile one crawled to his horse nearby. When Ceriestrident did notice this one, the rider was already urging the horse away from the chantry site. Ceriestrident was irritated. He drew back on all the cords. There was a popping like the sound of several bottles of wine being opened at once. The soldiers' movements stopped completely. Something in their heads had been severed by the way Ceriestrident removed the Gold from them and now they were severed from the world.     The rider on horseback was at least one hundred feet away and fast moving. Ceriestrident did not slow to aim. He simply hurled the shaft into the air behind the racing horse and rider. The trident flew upward in a sweeping arc. At the top of its flight, the weapon paused as though sizing up the rider ahead of it, much as a bird of prey might measure its strike. Then downward the trident sped. Ceriestrident watched with elation as the trident's central blade pierced the man through his back at the hips, while the two side-blades struck through the saddle and into the horse. The creature reared in pain. It would have thrown the rider but this wasn't possible as they were pinned together. This was too much for the horse and it collapsed in shock, eyes bulging in terrified resignation. The rider screamed as the horse's weight lay on top of him and the trident's blades were forced into him in this new direction.     Auduscithe's voice caught Ceriestrident off-guard, "What are you doing?"     "Dealing with our enemies. The prince will be well-impressed with our efforts I hope."     "You quite enjoy killing, eh?"     "I enjoy surviving. It's not my fault that they are in harm's path. They chose to disturb us. I only prevented the harm they would have done to us. Let's not quibble. See the trident is brilliant! You have wrought well. It fits me to a 'T'."     "It's not for you."     "I was afraid you'd say that but now that I know what you're capable of, I'm more than happy for you to make me something else."     "You are."     "Oh yes, I have thrown the trident. I imagine it would feel the same to throw it again. I needn't do so. What I really want are a pair of gauntlets." Inwardly Ceriestrident seethed. Auduscithe had in fact been making the trident for himself! Now that it was extremely successful, he had changed his mind. So be it, Ceriestrident decided.     "Gauntlets... hmm, I wouldn't mind making you a pair."     "Something I can rely on and not just for cold weather. Dealing out death would be good. But whatever you decide."     Audscithe said, "I can make these but if you would lend me yours it will be quicker and surely will fit you well."     As he handed over his gloves Ceriestrident said, "Seeing as I'm going to miss out on the trident, could you at least create a trident motif on the gauntlets? I'd like to take some advantage from my name."     Auduscithe nodded, "Consider that done." He turned to the cording auxiliary lenses with the gauntlets in his hands.     Ceriestrident watched closely, "It will be done. That's as it should be. Then I will move on too." Auduscithe did not hear this menace as he was already within the chantried call to his chantry magicks...         Ceriestrident left the chantry site about half an hour later. This was after the gauntlets had been made and the trident had been reclaimed from the dead rider. The bruise-faced soldier had been next to die as the trident was thrust into his stomach. Auduscithe died more slowly. The gauntlets' strangulation ability was only newly upon the gloves and their wearer. Ceriestrident would soon enough become infamous as a murderer. Auduscithe knew his killer and that is something that might allow him some peace in repose.     Ceriestrident returned to the city with six scalps. Nobody in the prince's keep recognised Auduscithe's hair. Cerietrident told them he had tried to dissuade Auduscithe from deserting but it had been no use. This was how Ceriestrident first came to the prince's attention. Soon after, he would be revealed by the Seynse Or'Rhan for his lies but not before he had killed the prince and two others of the family. He left Kasken by Kreccidoc ship (he took the girl he had 'loaned' to Auduscithe with him, as she proved as devious as a two-headed viper). He'd convinced the se'ractors that he could be useful in the next attack on Terrach. The head of the Terrachan prince in a sack made the se'ractors believe him. That was their mistake as he would ruin their high family in a similar fashion to the prince's.         The Seynse Or'rahn met briefly to discuss his treachery. They proclaimed him a banishment and a pretender of the art of healing. His mask was made forfeit. Any could seek him out and retrieve the mask for their body's weight in gold helms. A handsome bounty. Ceriestrident, always confident, offered to make the bounty double if he could be taken. Such is the man's arrogance. It also speaks to his charms. Many found his offer bold and impressive. His kind always seem to find the weakness in others...


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