Waste Ryegrass Species in Miranda’s Guide To the Future | World Anvil
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Waste Ryegrass

Basic Information


Waste ryegrass very closely resembles other ryegrasses, especially dwarf ryegrass. However, it has much thicker cell walls than most plants, and its roots are coated in a substance similar to a tree’s bark. It also seems to be nearly immune to cell damage from exposure to radiation, but the reason for this is yet to be determined.

Ecology and Habitats

Waste Ryegrass has not been grown in any large quantities outside its native habitat, but it survives well in that environment - a heavily irradiated one, with no known other life forms to speak of. It needs very little in terms of water, because of the ongoing drought in the region, but it does need more light than most plants.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Interestingly, what minimal studies have been done on the plant have shown that it does not survive well in areas with no radioactive isotopes present in the ground. Some people, as a result of this, have speculated that perhaps the plant derives some form of sustenance from these isotopes. However, this view is heavily contested.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Waste Ryegrass has only just begun being studied, however there is already some speculation on some potential uses of the plant. For example, its incredible resistance to radiation could be incredibly useful, if scholars could figure out how it works. It could potentially even be used to prevent or cure radiation poisoning, to a greater degree of efficacy than current methods.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Waste ryegrass is normally located solely in its native region, the Luton Wastes, however, there currently being a small amount of it growing in a laboratory at the Southeast Oxford University Park. Its limited nature is due to the conditions in which it evolved, and the relatively small time it has had to spread outside those bounds.
Scientific Name
Loilum Lutones
Conservation Status
Critically Endangered
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
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