Berk Sap Building / Landmark in Mihr | World Anvil
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Berk Sap

Berk Sap is a big three stories tavern and inn that lies at the heart of Berk. It is in the square just in front of the river Vidarfall. On it's facade is a beautiful painting of the massive tree Berk. The base of the tree serves as the gate into the tavern while large branches cradle each of the windows with their gold tinted leafs. Inside you'll find a large bar manned by Creen, the owner of the tavern who inherited it from his father who inherited it from his father and so on.   This bar may not be the soul of Berk like the tree is but it certainly carries the heart. Few people that have spent their evening in here can ever say anything bad about the place.

Purpose / Function

A tavern that welcomes everyone in Berk Tess. Creen uses it to show the culture and talent of Berk Tess by holding art exhibits from local artists, dances, and other social activities to entertain travelers and villagers alike.


There have been a change in the interior as Creen hired Derek to put his beautiful art up in the tavern and pain the outside of it.


Berk Sap is one of the mainpoints of attraction when traveling to Berk Tess. They have the best lodging in the village and the tavern is known as one of the best places to experience the culture of Berk Tess since it brings out the best of the two villages talent.
Founding Date
170 A.M
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