The Before Times in Midgard | World Anvil
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The Before Times

Before beginning, there were the two: Oa and Eo. Eo wanted nothing while Oa wanted something and Oa reached into the void and made. Creation was born as the Weave, and Oa said that all things born from it would inherit their power. Displeased with something, Eo spoke that all that was made would be unmade in time. And so Eo's un-creation unmade them both, and the Weave was left.   The Wave was lone and empty. Then it formed matter and split; and born where the elements: fire, water, earth and air. The elements circled and in the middle they flowed and created The Plane.   From The Plane came the Eldar. They were the first creatures, the first beings made. And first of them was Elysium and she was the light, life-giving light. She stood on The Plane and her aura went through it and on the other side birthed Luna who was without light. Luna could not see and created the moon and stars but their light was only a reflection and not as bright as the light of Elysium. The two agreed to rotate The Plane so they would have equal share of both, and so they did.
Then were born Luna's two sisters: Lora and Lorei. They each took from the elemental planes and wished to make earth and sea, but there was no warmth, only light. The sisters reached into the fire plane and set the largest star ablaze and created the sun, and from the sun was born Immora, and she was heat. She made it so Lora could create earth and Lorei could create sea.


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