Midgard - Midgard timeline - Timeline
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- Midgard timeline -

Fables tell countless tales of what has happened since the beginning of days.

Age of Jord

... 1000 ED

A mythical and wild age where countless beings were came into existence in a vast cosmology.

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    Era beginning/end

      There are many fables which describe how the world came into existence. The most popular one claims that everything that exists in all planes, down to the smallest grain of sand, came from the ice giant Ymir.

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      In the beginning there was chaos. Divine beings struggled to find purpose and order in a vast sea of ever reaching creation.

The Midgardian Age

1001 ED 2000 ED

Marked by the long and bloody war between the Aesir and anyone who dared to oppose them.

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    299 MA

    Battle for Midgard
    Military action

      Plagued by hundreds of years of battle the Aesir fought for domination over the universe. Eventually, the Aesir - led primarily by Odin, Heimdall & Frigg - formed a wicked plan where they used their cunning and divine heritage to slay their ancestral father; Ymir the ice giant. In doing so, they divided the world into different realms acting as prisons for their inhabitants, only the Aesir retained the ability to traverse between the different realms. In the wake of Ymir's death the Aesir used his divine carcass to shape their first cosmological children - the humans Ask & Embla.

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    The Realms

      The Aesir made sure to imprison and punish anyone who had stood against them in the battle of Midgard. The one perhaps, who recieved the harshest punishment was Loki's daughter who was sent to rule over an eternal plane of ice and suffering dedicated to dead humans who did not satisfy the Aesir. Hel's prison was named Hellenheim and was soon recognized as the most horrible place in existence.

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    999 MA

    Divine Protection
    Military action

    Aesir Protection
      The Aesir watched over their precious humans and made sure that their enemies were kept at bay in their respective planes.

Age of the Aesir

2001 ED 3000 ED

An era of glory where the Aesir watched over the living in Midgard.

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    Peace & Prosperity
    Life, Birth

    Tranquil landscape
      The Age of Aesir marks a golden era of growth for the living in Midgard. The living often made sure to sacrifice their loved ones to the gods as a reminder of what suffering the gods had endured to ensure them safety.

Age of the Vanir

3001 ED 3788 ED

Although the era started with a golden age of fertility and abundance for all the era is mostly remembered for the horrible blight and famine that struck towards the later centuries.

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    Era beginning/end

      After the age of the Aesir came the age of the Vanir. The faith of the living in Midgard shifted towards a more benevolent and caring philosophy where the gods still decided our fate but we need not dedicate our lives in worship of them. Humans started to make a clear distinction between themselves and the gods, they were free individuals.

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    Famine & Disease
    Life, Death

      The winters grew longer and so did the summers grow shorter. Every year people grew fiercer as the struggle for survival stiffened. Eventually Famine & Disease sent Midgard on a free fall to oblivion.

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    788 AV

    Ragnarok, The Doom of The Gods

    Although no one lived to tell the tale rumors state that the enemies of the Aesir had banded together with humans to break the veil between the realms from Midgard. In doing so they unleashed a horrible wave of destruction upon Midgard which led to the death of most if not all Gods. Or so the stories go.   What is undeniable, however, is that a veil must have been broken, for the dead draugr wander the earth and there's no telling of what otherworldly monstrosity one may stumble across in the wilderness.   As a reminder of the battle remains two great scars across the world who is said to have been cause by Fenrir and Garm when they tried to consume the sun. People who venture close enough to see the scars with their own eyes is said to never return, forever lost among the draugr.

The End of Days

3789 ED and beyond

The age of Vanir came to a quick end when the blight struck Midgard and instead people started to refer to the new era as "The End of Days".

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    At the End of the World
    Disaster / Destruction

      Since Ragnarok, The Doom of the Gods, the world has been on a steady decline. Every year the flickering flame of hope is extinguished in many hearts by the dark void of despair. Welcome to the End of the World.