Sindri Stenberg Character in Midgard | World Anvil
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Sindri Stenberg

High Empress Sindri Djupin Stenberg (a.k.a. Mamma (Mother))

  Sindri Stenberg is a mysterious and unyielding Empress with clear ties to an ancient line of mountain dwarves. Myths ooze around her like air surrounds a tree. No one truly knows what is true or false. One thing rumor that has said to be true however is that if one ever gets to meet her it's either the last day alive or the first day as a puppet of her will. The Stenbergs, however, revere her and speak fondly of her as a grand leader who will lead them to glory.

Physical Description

Body Features

A silvery skin that shimmers in the sun, common among pure blooded mountain-dwarves.

Facial Features

She was born with strange markings that look like tattoos but are said to be a gift of one of her long gone ancestral dwarven mother.

Physical quirks

Limp foot.

Special abilities

Unknown, but myths claim that she has sacrificed babies in order to achieve everything from 'to look young' to 'live forever'.

Apparel & Accessories

Sindri dresses in the finest of silks and her escort of witches makes sure that she is as clean as one can possibly be.

Specialized Equipment

Her tinkerers and smiths work around the clock crafting her strange and exotic arms, typically bombs of different types. Although many have tried to purchase them off her she refuses to sell them to anyone.

Personality Characteristics


Domination. She loves to see others bow to her will.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes efficiency.   Dislikes giants, they are inefficient beings..

Virtues & Personality perks

Order. There's nothing like a perfectly organized group of people, just like clockwork.

Vices & Personality flaws

Truly believes that their fortress is impenetrable.

Wealth & Financial state

Their harsh caste system makes sure that Sindri has more wealth than she can spend in ten lives.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High Empress Sindri, breaker of wills.
Year of Birth
171 ED 131 Years old
Long, coarse & silvery
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White-Gray
Quotes & Catchphrases
There is no time to be alive such as the at end of days. If you sell ore, that is.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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