Blómdalr Settlement in Midgard | World Anvil
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Blómdalr is the largest village in the vast area of valleys that surrounds it, it's currently under the Blomgren family's possesion. The Blomgren family is a collective of humans, elves, giants and halflings who dedicate themselves to protecting the last remaining farmlands under Jarl Hakk's possession. The value of food has shaped the Blomgren protectorates into cunning defensive huntsmen who prefer to maim their intruders with traps before they ambush them.


A wide distribution of humans, elves, half-lings and giants (and anything in-between) over a vast area of valleys. Most people farm the lands for whatever crops that will grow. Another minority tends to farm-animals, mainly mountain goats. Once a Dalrsländare reaches the age of 16 they also have to learn to defend the area with their lives, working part time with food production and part time as protectorates.  

Blomgren protectorate


Dalrsländare supplies food for the Asgard federation (namely to Stenbergs and Thorwalds) who in return supplies them with other goods and shelter (although Dalrsländare has grown to become quite capable warriors on their own). They lack any formal government but the Blomgren family's word run deep through the valleys of Dalrsländare.


A deceptively potent militia.

Industry & Trade

Export Food, herbs, wood, fur & leather in return for equipment for farming and weaponry to defend against intruders.


Watermills, silos, traps, developed farmlands.


Food, herbs, wood, fur & leather.

Guilds and Factions

Asgard federation has a guild office in most small villages in Dalrsland.


Once upon a time the area was renown for its vast supply of food but the last couple of centuries has turned this paradise into a ever declining struggle for survival. The food is still plenty but so is the people who desire it.


Simple farmlands constructed mainly by wood. The frequent attacks make a steady base less desirable than a quick-to-build wooden farm.


Sometimes referred to as the thousand valleys of Ullr. Named after its many valleys and habitat suited for hunting.

Natural Resources

Food, herbs, wood, fur & leather.
Alternative Name(s)
Around 700 but the collective of farms scattered across the area holds at least another 4000 (including thralls).
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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