The Self-Styled Kings of Midgard in Midgard | World Anvil
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The Self-Styled Kings of Midgard

While most were happy to escape Ragnarok with their lives, a few found themselves claim to a bounty of food, iron, or precious eiter. Word spread of the self-styled kings and in short time, they each had amassed an eager horde willing to do anything in their name for the safety and stability they could offer.   The three kings do not squabble amongst each other. Perhaps recognizing each other as equal, they openly trade and share information. There is no doubt, though, that should the balance of power topple, one would surely rip the throats of the others to rise above them. It is not to say that the three accounted below are the only petty kings – but they certainly exert the most influence. The stories are composites of what is told by travelers.

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