Bestiary in Mezclandia


  • Mindless: lacks feelings and emotional relationships
  • Sapient: can think abstractly, communicate, and form societies
  • Sentient: has feelings and can form relationships, but can't think abstractly


  • Aberrent: species recently created by intervention of people; species doesn't currently have a stable niche in ecology
  • Ascended: advanced individual of a natural creature, not heritable
  • Natural: species is part of a stable ecosystem
  • Outsider: native to another plane/world
  • Primordial: species created before the third apocalypse


  • Carnivorous: feeds off the physical body of other living creatures
  • Demonic: feeds off the spiritual energy other creatures
  • Divine: sustained by divine energy
  • Elemental: feeds off fundamental elements
  • Parasitic: requires binding to another creature


  • Shapechanger: have more than one physical form
  • Swarm: composite of colony of smaller creatures; takes half damage from piercing or slashing attacks


  • Aerial: Spending much time in the air, using flight as a movement mode
  • Amphibious: equally at home in the water and on land
  • Aquatic: lives in the water, swimming as its primary mode of movement
  • Arboreal: lives among trees, climbing as a primary mode of movement
  • Fossorial: lives underground, burrowing and traversing tunnels as a primary mode of movement
  • Terrestrial: lives on the surface of the earth, running, hopping, or slithering as its primary mode of movement

Cover image: by Cath