Storyteller Profession in Mezclandia | World Anvil


Storytellers are speaker-singers who spread news, entertain audiences, and maintain traditions. They excel in social interactions and communication. While Adventuring, storytellers are often the face of the party, speaking for them in social settings and gaining information or influence among others. They are also fonts of information, with required study in history, current events, government, law, and traditions.

Inspiring Examples

  1. Talia (Mercedes Lackey’s Heralds of Valdemar)
  2. Menolly, Piemur & Robinton (Anne McAffrey’s Pern series)
  3. Scheherazade (One Thousand and One Nights, Middle Easter Folklore)
  4. P. T. Barnum (American showman)

Core Features

  • Mark of Dominion (Mark Attribute)
  • Mark of Fate (Mark Attribute)
  • Traditionally Educated (Feat Trait)
  • Impersonate (Stance Technique)
  • Inhabit the Role (Ritual Technique)



Storytellers train in public speaking, traditional songs and poems, poetry, history, law, and traditions.

Career Progression

  1. Tier 1: Storyteller
  2. Tier 2: Celebrity (Title Attribute)
  3. Tier 3: Oracle (Title Attribute)


Social Status

Storytellers are welcome for the news and information they bring as well as the entertainment they can provide. Canny powerbrokers know they can act as spies, messengers, interpreters, lawmakers, or publicists, so storytellers who visit a new settlement may find themselves embroiled in local political machinations before long. Those who settle in one place are treasured for their ability to teach, influence, and entertain.

Cover image: by Cath


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