Fickle Fates in Merkia | World Anvil
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Fickle Fates

Tears rolled down Adrien's face he clenched his nails into his sweaty palms, too afraid to open his eyes. It was impossible, his father had told him the LeBeau's had all been executed for plotting to kill the king, yet he had just been grabbed off his horse by one! He was such a fool, why didn't he listen to Captain Baltasar? He should never have ridden off alone! And now he was going to die alone and scared. What had he done to deserve this? He was only a boy! He wished his brother were here to save him, he wished he was anywhere but tied to this chair.   “Well, this is unexpected.”   Adrien opened his eyes. The walls of the shack had gone and in their place was a vast expanse of wonder. Distant stars twinkled all around him as if he were floating in the night sky. Large clouds of every shade imaginable billowed and twisted their way through the emptiness as if engaged in a wild dance. Silver and gold strands of light weaved in and out like threads. A man sat before him behind a desk, he seemed remarkably plain. They looked at each other for what seemed an eternity and an instant all at once before Adrien stammered out a few words.   “Where am I?”, he asked. his throat dry “Did you save me?”   The man let out a small laugh. “Oh no Adrien, I didn't save you but for now, you are my guest”.   He began to walk towards the edge of the platform, staring out into the cosmic wonder. It was only now that Adrien realized he was no longer bound to his chair y the ropes LeBeau had tied him with. He carefully stood, his legs weak under his own weight as if he was taking his first step.   “Why did you bring me here?”
“It was not your time to enter the stage. I could not let my associates become distracted. Not when they have been doing so well.”
Looking around, Adrien noticed there was a door behind him.
“So you are helping the traitor LeBeau?”
“We are helping each other, for our goals currently align”
“You wish the king dead then? To see Cartea fall just like his father?”
The man laughed again.
“No, I simply want what was stolen from me. LeBeau? He cares not for the King. He wants vengeance for the crimes your family committed, and I have to power to give him that.”, Adrien's eyes widened, “Your father, your mother, your brothers Lucien and Lothaire, they will all fall before him.”
  Upon hearing this Adrien broke into a sprint for the doorway, now was his only chance of escape! But with a snap of his finger, hundreds of chains suddenly erupted from the floor binding him in place.   “Even you. Sweet Adrien shall perish, but not before they meet their side of our agreement.”   The man slowly strolled towards Adrien as he struggled against the chains, the more he fought the tighter they held him. The last thing he saw before darkness swallowed him was the man staring down at him.
“How about a game of cards to pass the time.”

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