Artificers Profession in Merkia | World Anvil
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"I can see you're a man of taste, I present to you the Anti-Sword Armor! Never again will you have to worry about all those horrible scratches and scrapes on your lovely armor. Whenever a blade strikes this armor my enhancements make it ethereal, allowing the blade to harmlessly pass through!" - Shan Ione, Artificer and Traveling Salesman
  Across the realms of Merkia few crafters are held in such high esteem as the arcane crafters known as artificers. Driven by their curiosity and inventive nature, an artificer combines their knowledge of crafting with a study of magic to create magical items of a wide variety though many will focus much of their work into a specific discipline. Some of the most common of these are Alchemists, Mechanist, and Gunsmiths. Artificers tend to work alone and no two artificers inventions are quite the same though on some occasions groups of artificers will join together to form a guild. The most famous of these is The Arcanesmith Company found in the Eremian province of Toorak, it is unmatched the quality and quantity of creations.



To become an artificer one must first master the arts of mundane crafting. Then the artificer must begin to study the arcane, many take apprenticeships under other artificers or in some cases wizards but studying independently is an equally viable path.

Career Progression

There is no traditional career progression for an artificer, rather their renown is based on the power of their creations.

Payment & Reimbursement

The creation of magical items can be a very lucrative endeavor. The majority of artificers create items on commission, with payment rates varying depending on the nature of the item. In some cases, an artificer may open a shop and keep it supplied with a stock of standardized items at a set cost.

Other Benefits

Particularly skilled artificers also enjoy high social status. Many are hired on retainer by rich merchants or nobles and some may even be rewarded with minor titles for their services.



Artificers are relatively low in number due to the difficulty of their craft.


Artificers have always been at the forefront of technological advancements, though few have changed the face of Merkia as much as Lorilla 'Thunderhands' Scheppen's invention of firearms.



A wide variety of tools are used by artificers depending on their discipline and the item they are intending to create.


Just as artificers use a wide variety of tools, the materials they use are just as varied with each item requiring unique components. However, when it comes to imbuing an item with magic artificers use what is known as a formula, which details the steps necessary to complete the enchantment.


While an artificer is capable of creating magical items as they travel, it is a slow process. Typically wandering artificers will rent the workshops of local craftsmen while those that remain in one location often own their own workshops.

Dangers & Hazards

Crafting magic items is not without risks. An unskilled and impatient artificer may attempt to create an item far beyond their abilities with disastrous consequences. Many artificers also voluntarily place themselves in dangerous environments in the hopes of uncovering lost magical artifacts for study.
High demand luxury
The creation of magic items by Artificers is legal in all regions with the exception of Zauwry were the practice of all magic is outlawed. An artificer is required to hold a license to operate in the Dwrarven Khauzat

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Jul 6, 2018 23:56 by Kris Weavill

Hi Struan1155, just to let you know, this article was featured on our daily round up of the best articles on World Anvil Summer Camp.

GorgeFodder - Former Forge Father & Former Community Director of World Anvil
Jul 7, 2018 23:44

Hey thats awesome. My group lost it tonight when I showed them the VOD.