Micomancer Profession in Meridia | World Anvil
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Micomancy is the practice of creating and maintaining Flash Gates. This requires incredible attention to detail to assure that the timing and alignment of a gate opening go as smoothly as possible. In Addition, Micomancers pair gate crystals at production. The Dedicated Micomancy Guild oversees all Flash gates actively in use.

Each Micomancer is assigned a gate when joining the guild, they are expected to oversee the daily operation of the gate and keep a reliable schedule of when the gate will be open for travel. They must also perform regular maintenance on the crystals to assure they remain charged and in proper alignment.



Education from the School of Micomancy in The Wizard Capital of Ishanas

Payment & Reimbursement

Guild Micomancers are paid a standard salary for providing upkeep on their assigned gate.
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