Lust Character in Meridia | World Anvil
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The Third Daughter

Lust was a Demon and daughter of The Father.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as a human in Kyros, she was raised in a rather poor family. Despite this as she grew older her looks developed and before long she was considered the most beautiful woman in the village. Locals treated her well and praised her on her natural looks. Men complimented her and treated her with kindness and adoration trying to win her heart. Women respected her and asked her all the time for her beauty tips. When she was 20 she and her family moved to Kyrosco, the capital of Kyros.   Shortly after arriving she found less of a friendly reception in Kyrosco. Men still had an adoration towards her, but women disliked her thinking she was planning on stealing their husbands. A few months after arriving in Kyrosco She met a man and the two fell in love and quickly were engaged, days later however the Earth-Shatter war had began and the man went off to war to combat against the raging Orcs to the south.   She waited for her husband to be to return and cared for her parents who were quite old at this point. Months passed and she heard nothing about the status of her husband. Men tried to care for her and ease her pain while women continued to judge her for attracting their husbands and partners. Then one day a messenger came into town and said that the wall that her lover had been guarding had fallen and all the garrison had been killed off. She was heart broken and honored him by spending all her spare money to have a tombstone made for him in the graveyard.    Years passed and she continued to take care of her parents, earning a little money on the side by working on a fruit orchard. When the sky cried out in pain, and the sun set never to be seen again, conditions for everyone in Kyrosco turned rough. The Long Dark had begun and people struggled to survive. Her mother and father died just days after, one right after another, and so she was all alone. She moved in next door with another family who had lost their husband and father in the same attack and lived with them for the duration of the Long Dark.   When the sun finally rose once again three years later, she along with everyone else emerged from their homes and witnessed the sun shine bright above the sky once again. Everyone during this time had become quite thin and pale, yet even with her smaller form she had kept her beauty. As the weeks passed and everyone worked to rebuild their lives, she found a job working with an apothecary treating those who were ill. Before long she had fully recovered her shapely form and seemed to finally be happy again. Men in town continued to greet her and she was a stunning example of beauty once more. Some of the men bragged about how they had been intimate with her during the Long Dark in exchange for food or supplies and that was why she was able to retain her shape and beauty so well. These rumors eventually spread across the city, and women grew displeased. They had always assumed she had been a proustite but now they had proof.    One night while heading home, she found herself quickly surrounded by a large group of women. One of them had asked her if she had been with her husband, and she said no. Then another asked, and another, and another, and she denied them all, but the women started to recite the rumors they had heard and the intimate details. Once again she denied them, but her word wasn't enough. The women rushed in on her. They grabbed her by the hair and cut up her face and body with knives and beat her while they cut off her hair and stripped her nude. Some of them carved "whore" and "adulterer" into her skin and someone hit her in the face with a club breaking a number of her teeth. They threw trash and excrement at her and paraded her around town showing everyone who they thought she really was. They led her out of town and exiled her.     She walked along the road trying to get back to her hometown, sobbing and in pain, yet anyone she passed didn't help her or offer to aid her. When she arrived hours later she found the same reception in her home town and was told if she walked in she would be beaten to death. Rumors from Kyrosco had spread all over the nation in a short amount of time. Everyone knew who she was.    She slowly hobbled into the woods and crawled under a tree sobbing and eventually falling asleep. The next few months she stayed exiled in the woods. Her body healed poorly leaving scars all over her. Her broken teeth rotted out of her head, and her hair grew back in tangled bunches. She struggled to walk and hobbled most of the time. She had been living off the land and lived under the tree without clothing or anything to keep her warm.    One night she was awoken to the sound of something in the woods coming towards her tree. She lay there on her back looking out and saw some sort of beast she had never seen before. It sniffed the air, and then eventually spoke to her. It asked her why she wasn't afraid of it, and she told it she had nothing left to lose.    It smiled and told her she was strong, but had been wronged by so many people. She was surprised to see the creature knew about that. It told her that she had been lusted after by men all adult life and she never spoke against that attention. In fact, she had enjoyed it, and it kept her feeling better than others. She started to realize that the creature was right. He told her that she had been wronged by people however, that feeling she had felt was not something to be ashamed of. She said that she would never feel that feeling again after everything that had happened to her, that she was now and forever a monster.    The creature smiled and agreed, but offered her a chance to be beautiful again. That he could heal her wound, and give her even more beauty than she had before, as well as the means to defend herself if anyone attacked her. She could even get revenge on those women who had wronged her, and the men who had spread those rumors. She thought to herself for a moment and than agreed. She left the tree and stood before him, beaten, scarred, and exposed. He said all she had to do was agree to be loyal to him and serve him when needed. She nodded after thinking it over and then agreed and swore herself to him. He cut his hand and a pool of black blood oozed from the wound. He had her drink the vile substance and she struggled to swallow it.    She coughed grabbing at her throat and felt her body twist and bend violently. She was overwhelmed with pain and passed out, but when she had awoken a few minutes later she was able to stand up without pain. She looked at her arms and legs, they were once again shapely and healed. She felt her body and her face and hair, they were free from scars and wounds. She had felt stronger and more agile than she had before.    The creature stood against a tree and smiled at her. She was in tears and thanked him for his healing powers. He nodded and told her he would always take care of his children. She asked the creature for his name and he said she could just call him Father. She thanked the Father again, and then struggled to recall her own name. He said he would call her Lust, after the sin that she had partaken in to suffer for, and then reach this peak form of beauty. He told her not to reject the sin, but instead embrace it. He reminded her that she was punished for the sin even though she had denied it. He claimed that she would gain power from embracing the sin instead.       Lust left and returned to Kyrosco shortly after. The guards there didn't recognize her and only saw a beautiful nude woman approach the gate, right away they let her in and gave her aid. People from all over the city came and saw her, but no one recognized her. Men adored her for her looks, and women praised her for her beauty and asked for her secrets. It was much like her life in her home town.    She wouldn't let this sit however and eventually started to meet with men in secret and embrace her new title of Lust. She would get her fill of intimacy and then slay those who she was with and consume their very heart and soul. Each time she did this she would feel much more powerful and beautiful, and each time her shape would change. She started to grow wings and claws and sharp teeth, but was able to hide them from those around her with her demonic magics. Eventually she left Kyrosco filled with widows and continued to venture from settlement to settlement in Kyros grabbing her fill of pleasures. She wouldn't always kill her prey, but if she knew they were someone's husband or partner, she would just to savor the misery of their other.
True Neutral
Circumstances of Birth
Was reborn as a Demon after nearly being killed by local women.
Dark Red
Raven Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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