The Ferniazi Pantheon Organization in Merena | World Anvil
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The Ferniazi Pantheon

In the beginning, there was only flat, barren rock and dark winter. Nothing lived and nothing grew. There was no time, and everything was eternally still. The protectors of the planet grew sad because there was nothing to protect. One day, Almienin told Dzereneze, Hiriotenka, Zhenienar, Lounlen, and Giowesn that it was time for something to happen on this cold, dark world. Although they were unsure what could be done, they nodded in agreement. Almienin understood their confusion and began to create. She first created the sun to warm the cold world and bring light to it. However, now it was too hot. Dzereneze came up with another idea. He began to spin the world so that it would not always face the sun. This made it so it was a cooler temperature, and the spinning created time. Lounlen did not like it when the sun was not facing the planet because it was too dark. He created the big moon, small stars, and enclosed the planet in rings to protect it. Now, both night and day were beautiful. Hiriotenka still was not happy though. The surface of the world was too flat and boring. She pulled on some parts and stepped on some others which created the mountains and valleys. She then sent a wave of water around the world to smooth areas out and remove all the dust tugging on the earth created. The excess water formed the ocean and lakes. Giowesen was so happy. The world now looked incredible. As she stepped on the reformed planet for the first time, bluish purple shoots began to grow under her feet. She was so glad, she ran around the entire world. Every one of her footsteps created trees, bushes, and other vegetation on the surface of the world until all of the world was a mystical bluish purple color. The protectors were overjoyed. The world was now a wonderful place. Zhenienar then had another idea. The protectors should not be the only ones to see this world, so he created living creatures. He created animals of every shape and size to populate the world. Almienin then noticed something. While the animals could live on the world, they did not seem to be able to speak, think, or truly enjoy it. Taking this into consideration, she created a being almost as complex as herself, but not complex enough to be able to edit the perfect world the gods had created. The other gods were impressed. The world was now absolutely perfect. In recognition of Almenin starting this project and creating people, the other gods crowned her queen for as long as the world spins.


The Queen of Almialib is the highest religious leader

Demography and Population

Most people in Almialib, Dzezb, Giowesb, Hiriotb, Lounleb, and Zhenb follow the Ferniazi Pantheon. This numbers to about 189 million people, which is about 24% of the world's population!
Religious, Pantheon
Related Ethnicities

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