Vehicles & Animal Transport in Mendala | World Anvil

Vehicles & Animal Transport

There are no electric or combustion powered vehicles. However, mentus and mandamus can be used to propel a vehicle, though normally this is only practical for short distance automated vehicles. Mendala has no trains or planes. The main vehicles are boats and carts pulled by various types of animals.  


Carts are typically pulled by horses and other equines, argent or other large wolves, and various types of large wildcats. In the desert, large ferries are pulled by sand snakes. Most carts are sturdily built and depending on the animals in question they can go at speeds ranging from 20 to 60 mph (approximately 30 to 100 kph). Carts and other pulled vehicles are typically only used within a city or country and not between realms. This is because in almost all cases, there are no roads connecting domains.   There are a few exceptions to this. On example is the Weaver’s Road—not to be confused with Weaver’s Road the merchant city. This is a long road that starts at the mountains just north of the Midlothiac Forrest, runs south through the forest itself and continues to Weaver’s road, towns further south, ending at Sandedge which is located by the sea. This road was constructed by the merchants of Weaver’s Road as a means to transport ustus, quartz, and goods along a predefined route.   Most carts and similar transportation are completely useless in the mountainous regions where the paths are narrow and uneven, so in these areas, animal transportation or walking are the only way to get around. In some cases, nobles or other wealthy individuals will have quickeners transport their entire carriage from one location to another, allowing them to continue using their personal vehicles from city to city as a sign of status.  


Ships are used to transport large quantities of goods in situations where translifts aren’t available or practical. There are usually between fifteen and twenty active port towns around the world but only six considered to be major hub ports: Ramilda, Tebinear, Sandedge, Leviton, Fenallday, Zohare. These ports are considered stable as they have been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Their stability is due to their city cores. Other ports may become unavailable due to war, or the dissolving of a city of country. Pleasure cruises are also common, though usually reserved for the very wealthy.  

Animal Transport

Animal transport is almost exclusively used by summoners. Certain companions are classified as ‘transporters’ and their role is to carry their summoner and other humans long distances. However, even non-summoners use certain types of animal transport including certain breeds of horses and wolves.   Notably, the phara, the largest birds in the world, were once used for flight transport before quickening became popular. The Fantasma once employed a summoner for this very purpose which required a special arrangement with the Order of Nature. In modern times, phara are not readily used for transport except on occasion by the Order of Nature.
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