Origin of the Dragonborn Myth in Melyria | World Anvil

Origin of the Dragonborn


In the clans of the Tharurian Dragonborn they swear to be descendants of the Gods. This believe is highly contested by the elves and dwarfs, thought dragonborn themselves believe this to be jealousy or smears.


The Tharurian Dragonborn date their birth back to the Age of Dawn, when Deities and Primordials fought over the rulership of the young world. According to Tharurian theologists, as Asgorath was struck down by the primordial, their form turned to Tiamat & Bahamut, and from the spilled blood of the god, raised the dragonborn.

These first of dragons would create creatures of their kin, and the strongest of them would grow to gods. But the chromatic dragons created by Tiamat saw the dragonborn, robbed them of their freedom, and made them into their slaves. For generations, dragonborns were oppressed by the dragons, until one day, their prayers were answered and with their resilience, strength, and help of metallic dragons and dragon gods, they were freed from their servitude.

Historical Basis

While Dragonborn pride of themselves as one of the oldest races in Melyria, first records of the existence of dragonborn have been dated to the Fall of the Titans‌, around 9,000 to 11,000 TbS. This, with the remnants of old records of elves and dwarfs, call the myth in question.

Variations & Mutation

Dwarves and elves have a very different type of story to tell. As the records are old, incomplete, and copied so many thousand times, there is bound to be more than a few errors. Thus these tales are considered as much a myth as the stories that the dragonborns tell.

According to these old texts, dragonborn were created similarly to kobolds, through the magic of the mighty dragon sorcerers to become a slave race for their purposes. The exact method of creation is unknown, but it is theorized that dragons took humanoid forms to have half-dragon children with humanoids, and bred them together with magical assistance to create the first dragonborn. This practice came from chromatic dragons, and as such, most dragonborn to this day is chromatic in color. This could also explain why dragonborn are mainly only met in the continent of Umeros.

However, this telling doesn't sell the dragonborn short; no, it suggests that the dragon sorcerers were too cocky, and as such, the creation of the dragonborn became their undoing. Soon after the dragonborn where made, they proved to learn quickly to fight against their tyrannical overlords. With the help of the metallic dragons sympathetic to their cause, dragonborn freed themselves. This might have played a significant part in the Fall of the Titans.

Cultural Reception

For the dragonborn, belief on their descendants from the gods has made great influences on the way they view themselves, religion, leadership, and servitude. Dragonborns are known to be practical on their approach to religion, and see the gods more as allies that they work with than worship them blindly. They have very mixed reactions on dragons and are particularly uneasy with the concept of slavery. This goes so far that dragonborn have formed a very different view on what leadership means and can have a hard time understanding authority like many other humanoid races would describe it.

Elves have accused the dragonborn of copying the story of their origin. Some believe that this happened because of misinterpretation from the writings of Orthen Kerrhyl. Dragonborns are upset by these accusations and find the idea that they were creations of their slavemasters appalling.

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Tiamat & Bahamut
Myth | Dec 30, 2020


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