Crag cat
Big, fluffy, and fearless predators: Crag cats are large felines that find their homes in mountains and rocky scenery. These large cats could easily be confused with other felines, yet their natural resistance to magic sets them apart from the rest. They are infamous for their cry, which sounds like a wail of a suffering humanoid.
Basic Information
Biological Traits
Crag cats have extraordinary resistance to magic and even reflecting spells to their casters.
A crag cat can produce a cry that resembles a scream of terror similar to a humanoid creature. Tricksy individuals have used this to lure in their prey.
Ecology and Habitats
Crag cats are adapted to any terrain but tend to stay in rocky areas and cold climates, avoiding dense forests.
Biological Cycle
Crag cats are grey during most of the year, but their fur turns white and grows thicker during the winter months. Few cats have white hair all around the year, but the coat gets thinner in the summertime.
Additional Information
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Most crag cats are solitary, but they may form packs and family groups. These packs were particularly dangerous during harsh winters.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
The crag cat has an exceptional darkvision, though it doesn't have as powerful hearing or smell like many other felines. Considering the cat's abilities, however, this barely a complaint.
Feline, Large Beast
25 - 35 years
Average Height
74 to 85 cm
Average Weight
Males: ~128 kg
Females: ~72 kg
Females: ~72 kg
Average Length
132 to 159 cm
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Different shades of grey, with white winter coat