Church of Khoronus (/koronos/)

Khoronus is god of time, the patron immortal of Akorros, and it is here that his most impressive temple is to be found.   The Church of Khoronus teaches patience, wisdom and farsightedness in all dealings, recognising that the best decisions are made calmly once all aspects have been considered, for a decision made in haste without full knowledge of the situation can only be optimal by chance. It promotes knowledge and education for all, for a solid understanding is the underpinning of good choices, and it encourages study of history, to learn from both the successes and mistakes of the past to inform better decisions for the future. To this end, the Temple of Khoronus houses one of the largest libraries on the continent, drawing rich and poor alike to study in its tomes.   Priests of the Church of Khoronus see themselves more as teachers than shepherds. It is not their place to make decisions for their supplicants. The priest doesn't know the innermost details of the supplicant's life and desires. The priest's place is to provide the supplicants with the information they need so that they can make and own their own decisions. As they say, "a priest may advise, but never gives advice."   In particular, the Church of Khoronus promotes balance and the cycle of life and death, creation and destruction, for within every new creation are the seeds of its downfall, and a razed landscape provides the light and space for new growth. However, it also teaches that events have their proper time, and it is wrong to attempt to hurry proceedings - neither premature killing nor forcing of the new before its time show proper respect to the natural rhythms of life. And so the Church has made a study of Protective magic and of healing, ensuring that everyone and everything can enjoy its allotted span.   Life is a balance between change and stability. Too much change leads to chaos, while not enough leads to stagnation. The annals of history show that while everything changes, yet everything also remains the same. And so the church celebrates the passing of the seasons - the essential reminder of the cycle of life - and the priests are central to the rituals of birth and burial.


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