
Basic Information


are quadrupedal with two large horns on their skull and a short tail.

Growth Rate & Stages

Calves reach full mature bodies around 6 to 8 years old depending on their diet and regional variations. females can produces calves around the 4th year.

Ecology and Habitats

Nivifrons are most comfortable in boreal regions. They can easily handle mountain geography, high altitudes and cold temperatures around -40 degrees. They are however no stranger to travel at the fringe of these geographies to find more food.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nivifrons are herbivores. Their diet consists mainly of grasses, herbs, wild flowers, mosses, tubers, and lichens. Wild berries are also a treat for them, as it is harder to eat such in cold boreal valleys.

Additional Information


(species) are considered cattle, similar to cows, and thus can be rather easily used as livestock. some keep them as pets as they are gentle creatures.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

(species) hold a very high-value use for ethnicities and species in cold environment as, outside of their strong stamina and resistance to cold, their fur can be used to make very warm clothing for the harshest winters. Another very high-quality product are their milk, which contains a high percentage of fat, making it a strong options for many uses such as cooking and dairy products, but also as growth diet for (species) which are kept as animal companions, since having a mother is rare for them when they are sold to Frostbrand families, and the milk is great to make them grow fast.   A less but still useful aspect of their byproducts are they dungs. Used as fertiliser on settlements that can still plant vegetables and cereals, this is still and useful product for those in the colder parallels as it can be used as fuel for making fires, which allows travelers to carry less wood and travel more lightly.

Average Intelligence

Animal intelligence
free: 22 years captive: 28 years
Average Weight
3700 kgs
Average Length
2.5 m
Related Ethnicities


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