Protective Double: Big Magic Spell in Malliuth | World Anvil

Protective Double: Big Magic

Why send yourself into danger when you can create a double who will risk it for you?


You create a duplicate of yourself that you can send into the world on its own. It has a toughness of 3 and can use your stats. You can see through its eyes and senses; sending mental commands to it.

Side/Secondary Effects

Every day that you have the duplicate in existence you take 1 harm. This harm can not be healed (But does not cause you to become unstable) Two beings of the same person can not exist on the same plane of existence. Over time the Keeper may decide that your duplicate will gain awareness.
Material Components
Blood sample from you. Amniotic Fluid. Diamond worth 1,000 dollars that is consumed when the double is created.
Gestures & Ritual
The Clone can only be created at midnight on a quarter moon
Effect Duration
7 days
Effect Casting Time
1 hour


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