Thara of the Mysteries Character in Malkor | World Anvil
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Thara of the Mysteries

Thara was one of the original gods, and in the Ancient times she was the mightiest and most powerful. Her power was so great that she had difficulty controlling it, and when Thara raged, storms brewed. During a time when extraterrestrial forces attempted to overthrow the pantheon of Malkor and seize control of the planet, Thara paid the ultimate price to push them back. Her broken body fell to the mortal realm of Malkor and when her corpse slammed into the surface it created the valley today known as Sanctuary. Her godly essence seeped into the ground, and over the millennia it manifested into today’s fierce storms. The Aetherborn are born of her flickering divine essence, though no mortal can reach it and replace her for it remains protected by the very earth itself.

Divine Domains

Justice, War, Lightning, Storms
Divine Classification

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