Borbador Character in Malkavia | World Anvil


"Sorry, I'm all out of whozits and whatzits. This Redheaded Merfolk lady came in and cleaned me out!"

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Always dressed to impress in flashy colours and fine jewelry.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in Malaz City, Borbador found early on that he had an affinity for magical items, and could strongly sense magical properties in items. His parents, simple cobblers, did their best to encourage Borbador's talents, however were never really able to afford the education that he would need if he wanted to get into studies involving the arcane. Borbador discovered that while he was proud of his talent in the arcane, what he truly loved was the art of the sale. Throughout his teenage years, Borbador took control of the front desk of the modest cobbler shop for his parents, and they experienced a huge amount of growth as Borbador constantly up sold and finagled their client's out of their hard earned gold.   Borbador was working in his usual place when the Dean of Transmutation, Tinmad Derhin, brought his Boots of Speed in to be repaired, knowing that he would have to re-enchant the boots upon completion. He was extremely surprised after the youthful Borbador not only completed the repairs, but had somehow fixed the enchantment on the boots. When asked how he had done this, Borbador shrugged and simply said that it was something he'd always been able to do. Recognizing the potential prodigy, Tinmad immediately offered to pay Borbador's tuition into the Crystal Commune and enrolled Borbador shortly thereafter.   While Borbador excelled in all his studies, and was praised academically, he was constantly getting into trouble for his "side businesses" which included, but were not limited to;
  • A magical casino operated out of his dorm room
  • An unlicensed magical item store with experimental enchantments (ended after a student who had purchased boots lost track of his feet - specifics still unknown)
  • Figuring out a way to have a permanent portal always opened to the wizards of Foppelting Village for the easier acquisition of new magical items
  Finding that the constant studies and academics were stifling his creativity when it came to sales, Borbador took his business connections, somewhat ill-gotten gains, and new education in the creation and procurement of magical items, Borbador bought out his parent's shop for approximately 1000 times what the store was actually worth, and gave them a vacation property he had his friends in Foppelting Village create, and converted the cobbler store into a fully fledged magic item store.




Studied at the Crystal Commune


Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Spicy food, flashy jewelry, a good party, discovering rare magical items
Dislikes: Beige


Hobbies & Pets

A green pseudodragon named Squawk.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
175 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Primordial
Ruled Locations


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