malAIse GameBot Commands in malAIse | World Anvil

malAIse GameBot Commands

The following commands can be used in Kahuna's Twitch Chat to play the AI game:

  • !werds: This command is how you report your wordcounts to the game. These are added to the game database, and you can query the database later to see your progress

  • !mywerds: This command queries the database and shows you how many words you have written since the bot started counting on 12/1/2021. Coming soon will be extensions to this command that will allow you to narrow the timeframe for the search to the most recent stream, the last hour, last day, last week, last month, and last year. Eventually, there will also be a range extension that will let you set arbitrary dates for totals, or search for a particular day.

  • !mywerds -d: Using the -d option gives you your wordcount for the last 24 hours.

  • !mywerds -m: Using the -d option gives you your wordcount for the last 30 days.

  • !malscore: Find out where you stand against the AI.

  • !cityselection: Want to claim a city to defend? Start with this command.

  • !maladd: Set your initial wordcount goal.

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