Lucy Byrne Character in Magic Earth | World Anvil
Magic Earth - Alternate History Urban Fantasy world

Lucy Byrne

Hero of Ypres

Major Lucy Byrne

Lucy Byrne was the first woman in history to serve in an army as a battle mage. In 1915, she enlisted in the British Army and was initially send to the French front as a nurse. During the Second Battle of Ypres, she used her magic to disperse the chlorine gas used by the Germans. She managed to protect about 200 British soldiers. For that, she was promoted to sergeant and was transferred to a battle mage regiment. After World War 1, Lucy was promoted to Major and put in command of the Women's Battle Mage Regiment, the first all-female battle mage unit of the British Army. She remained in command of it until the beginning of the Second World War in 1939.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lucy had a strong athletic build. She was also quite strong and resilient. According to her friends from the battle mage regiment, she often stood watch at the trench's observation/firing spot for hours without breaks.

Special abilities

Lucy was a magic-user. Before enlisting in the military she had only the basic magical training she received in primary school. Before the war she never thought she would use her powers often. The Second Battle of Ypres was a turning point. When she saw and felt the massive cloud of gas, she knew that she couldn't stay back. Dispersing the gas was instinct. She cast the only aeromantic spell she knew and made sure to make it a few times stronger than its usual version.

In the battle mage regiment, Lucy was taught spells of all 4 schools of elemental magic.

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Private (medical unit, 1915)
Sergeant (battle mage regiment, 1915)
Lieutenant (battle mage regiment, 1917)
Major (Women's Battle Mage Regiment, 1921)
1892 CE 1972 CE 80 years old
Medium, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Fresh Air! Disperse the gas! Disperse! Air!
— Lucy during the Second Battle of Ypres


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