Void-Touched Condition in M'Zeri | World Anvil


Void-Touched is an interdimensional condition that occurs when the afflicted is directly affected by the reality warping produced by U'krhith. While it has a high lethality, there is evidence of people who have survived, though permanently scarred.  

Transmission & Vectors

Void-Touched can be developed from travelling through areas that have been warped by U'krhith. The longer one stays in these areas, the worse the condition develops. Any living creature can become effected by it, though the survivability rate also heavily depends on what the creature is.   Those who are Void Touched cannot infect others with it, however any offspring they may produce will have a high chance of also being afflicted with it.  


Exposure to U'krhith's reality warping will cause the victim's body to begin to distort in an attempt to cope. The afflicted will feel an impending feeling of doom, which will gradually develop into physical pain until it is said to become excruciating.   If the Void Touched survives the initial contact with an affected location, they will be left with permanent and warped scarring that permeates throughout their body. Those with severe symptoms may become unable to leave the area where they have developed the condition without perishing to it as their warped bodies are no longer able to cope.  


Due to the nature of the condition, there is currently no treatment that can cure it.
Cosmetic surgery may be used to restore a victim's outer appearance if the symptoms are light, however it is only temporary as the scarring will eventually reappear.  

Cultural Reception

Because of the high lethality of the condition and off-putting appearance that the Void Touched may develop. Most fear the potential of also becoming Void Touched. The bodies of those exposed to the condition are usually burnt.   Even though those who are Void Touched cannot transmit the condition, those uneducated on the matter will avoid physical contact with them.
Chronic, Acquired


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