Ggarsif Character in Lyiot | World Anvil


Commandments of Ggarsif

Take the sweat of others brows
Gnaw on the foundations of society and structures of order
Traverse great distances, follow those who did right by you

Domains: Order, Trickery, War


Loving her husband and being a part of his family was all Ved had wanted in life, thinking not much of her own wants and needs due to her rough upbringing. She came from a family of elves raised in Northern Kaelsh, being the youngest of seventeen children. Her father, Obryn des Kermyr, was a great warlord of Kaelsh. He often moved his family around in order to maintain the secrets he used to keep Kaelsh independent and freestanding from the rest of the Uniting Lands. Ved became accustomed to uncertainty and having to make her own fun, relying heavily on the toiling of others to entertain herself. When a burly Sthaeth man approached her during one of the Color Festivals of Kaelsh in On-To'err-Lill, she was smitten by his smile with missing teeth, and the long line of scars that ran up and down his arms from working long days harvesting wheat. Her ascension to a divine status happened following the death of her husband, her heart not holding out much longer after losing the light of her life. Ved had lived a good life, and had built a small family with Dzaemus, helping found and run a small village on the outermost coast of Kaelsh. Her family and the people of the village held her in reverence and hoped that in the afterlife she would have time to watch their village. Ggarsif took up part of the mantle of Death through the faith these people showed her and often would watch over and aid her villagers when they traveled to the edges of the world.

Ggarsif is largely left alone by the rest of the pantheon, being seen as vermin-like and stained by Death and his long past. She carries his mantle about and does as she pleases- understanding that she holds power in a very small corner of the divine map and enjoying what she has. Typically her most devout follow and blend in with worshippers of Malar, Trist of the Beast, attempting to extricate the secret that Malar holds from Ggarsif, which would allow her to bring back a part of herself in mortal form. Seemingly she grows closer and closer to this goal in recent times, having found a solid lead with her one champion located in Entiv.

Physical Form & Icons of Ggarsif

Ggarsif's physical form presents as a small, light-skinned waif of a feminine figure. Her form is shrouded in a large tattered white cloak, that dips to black at its tattered fringes. She wears a large white porcelain mask that appears to be in the shape of a mouse, with violet paint marking details like whiskers and beady eyes on the mask (she never reveals her true face, though a set of large elven ears can be seen poking through her hair from behind.) A large black belt trails on the ground behind her, loosely fastened to the back of her cloak with a singular yellow button. When she speaks, it sounds squeaky and her voice warbles when she gets excited.

Vess des Kermyr
Ggarsif of course favors and aims to protect her one living heir as long as she can, her grand-daughter being the last of her family to have made it to the modern times. Vess shares her grandmother's large pointed ears, a cloud of red hair, and large watery eyes. Due to transgressions made by her family against a devil, her hands permanently look like they had been dipped in black ink, and each of her fingers ends in a sharp claw rather than a gracile nail. A few years ago Vess developed a strange marking on her throat that looked like a stylized mouse with a spiral running through it, having been chosen by her grandmother to carry Ggarsif's gift (unknown to her.) Vess is currently in throes of agony, having been caught by the Brotherhood of Entiv, locked in the depths of one of their Vanta prisons. She had followed the directions of one of the smaller Sea Princes and thought she would be getting a handsome reward for tracking down information and stealing it from a group of Changelings in Entiv.


Scrap of the Cloak of Death   Mace of Rodentkind

Holy Books & Codes

Ggarsif has two tableaus, written by her original family and village, laying on a hill facing the heavens in Ogbi; words of her life and what she was like in life detail the face of these tableaus. 

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Ggarsif's only marker of her divinity is a stylized mouse head with a spiral in its center, usually tattooed/marked on the throat of worshippers


Ggarsif shares a day of worship with other lesser New Divines on Alldivine's Day (6th of Scythe, yearly)

Divine Goals & Aspirations

    - She hopes to relieve Malar of a secret that would allow her to return to Lyiot in partial mortal form and commands her worshippers to look for the secret as well

Divine Classification
New Divine


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