Lustria: On Stolen Shores Homepage | World Anvil

Lustria: On Stolen Shores Grim & Perilous Adventure Forged in the Dark

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The End Times. That’s what they called them. For most, it was a curse; a prophecy of deepest despair. For others, it was a promise; a change of winds that would see the low raised up and the high brought down. For the rulers of the Old World, it was a throw of the dice: a war that required them to empty their prisons and arm their oppressed. But it was a gamble they expected to lose… No one really considered what would happen if those same soldiers survived.

Lustria. They signed pardons and sold crewless ships for a schilling. The Empire, Tilea, Estalia, and Bretonnia had crises enough at home; the dregs could go make problems elsewhere. Besides, the lands of Lustria are empty of all save disease, death, and gold aplenty. If those sent away don’t die they might bring back wealth for the homeland. It’s comforting to know that nothing waits sleeping in that steaming jungle… right?

Lustria: On Stolen Shores is a campaign about discarded people finding a new home amongst strange new lands, chased by dangers they don’t understand, and the greedy pull of their past lives and ties which would seek to steal everything they haven’t already taken. It is a game about exploration, about compromise, and about trying to be better than the society that cast you out and called you undesirable.