Wishing Well o'the Disquiet Vale Myth in Lupine Bay | World Anvil

Wishing Well o'the Disquiet Vale

The Wishing Well of the Disquiet Vale, hidden within the dense forests of northern Midgard, was said to be the home of a unique Faefolk creature. One that coveted and cherished magical artifacts above all else. If a daring adventurer was bold enough to navigate the fearsome forests and happened upon the well, they could toss an enchanted item in for a favor in turn.
    The inhabitant of the well was no djinn, bound by the laws of the wish. This mysterious Faefolk creature could be as particular as it liked. The wish granter may weigh the wish against the value of the artifact, though that value was arbitrarily based upon the needs and wants of the dealer. Word of mouth reported that altruistic wishes were often more successful, though it’s rare for someone to speak of their more avaricious desires.
    Hælsidh, of the Seelie Elves in Midgard, had a fondness for this particular myth. He was also a collector of fine and magical artifacts, so he researched deeply into the history of the well. As the royal diplomat of House Anrhubime and cousin to the crown prince, Hælsidh had more than your average resources for investigating flights of fancy such as this. His research led to some unusual discoveries. There were plenty of tales about wishes gone wrong when you put the pieces together, and the vast majority of those belonged to the elves. Many of them, however, were often selfish or otherwise unkind wishes.
    The correlation was strong with the ancient exile, an old enemy of the elves that had vanished from the world. Bethak’laida, the beast who devours treasures. The Faefolk and Primals alike had signed The Accords to keep him and those like him at bay. When his notes grew incontrovertible, Hælsidh deemed it wise to let this particular myth lie untouched, and let it continue to be a beacon of hope for those lost in the woods.


In these pages, you will discover elves, demons, dimensional doors, space travel, vampires, dragons, and so much more. Lupine Bay is ever-expanding and genre-encompassing. Her stories feature a large variety of relationship dynamics and sexual preferences, including traditional and reverse harems, gay and lesbian romance, polyamory, BDSM, femdom, and multiple simultaneous partners. Some pages or stories will be 18+ and may feature explicit sexual scenes, graphic violence, significant blasphemy, and occasional cannibalism.
  All artwork & content © 2022 Elizabeth Earle unless otherwise stated.
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