Shield Stones Item in Lupine Bay | World Anvil

Shield Stones

Shield Stones are incredibly rare artifacts that work as one would expect; they create shields. Though the definition of the shield is quite variable and lends itself to being misunderstood quite easily. The stones can generate a magical shield wall to physically keep something out, or in a certain area; but they have far more applications than just that.
    The shield was is, in fact, one of the lesser-used features of the Shield Stones. In order to create the wall effect, it requires multiple stones to create a link and generate the wall between them. To encompass an area, a minimum of three stones are required to create a simplistic spherical shell. It’s possible to mimic this effect with fewer stones, but the power requirements would be so great it might actually be easier to locate at least three of the stones.
    Aside from the very handy, but difficult to accomplish, shield wall, a singular stone creates wards of innumerous variety. Given enough power, it can hide an area simultaneously from multiple types of magical and non-magical creatures. The area would become insensible by various means of magic, and even non-magical creatures such as the humans of Midgard may subconsciously ignore anything affected by the shield stone.
    While many Shield Stones exist, the owners often keep them secret because they are so highly sought after. There are always rumors abound involving their locations. Naturally, it one assumes the lost civilization of Atlantis has at least one, if not many; it’s possible they could even create them. Some say there are still courts of Faefolk existing on Midgard, hidden by a Shield Stone. If true, they would be almost impossible to find.
    Once Shield Stone, however, is always being boldly displayed at the Tower of Hades in the Plutus system. A true show of might, as not only do they have one of the stones, they have enough raw magical power to turn a single stone into a full shield bubble around the entire tower. Impenetrable to anyone without granted access.


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