Lost Language of Arasram Language in Lupine Bay | World Anvil

Lost Language of Arasram

The Lost Language of Arasram had no official name. The planet of Arasram had never been known to support life. In all database records across the galaxy and every navigational map of the vast networks of the Stjarnsraad fleets, it has always been a desert planet void of significant life. Eventually, a small civilization developed from the once marooned crew of a space pirate Svarmande when the Dread Pirate Oberths was deposed via mutiny orchestrated by his second in command.
    These were the people who first discovered the lost language. A young woman found a singular stone tablet during her desert walk; the coming of age rites where a child proves adulthood by surviving in the desert and returning with an edible plant and carcass of a living creature used for survival. The young woman found the tablet and brought it home, unsure if it was a practical joke or something from a fairy tale.
    The Aramsker studied the tablet and confirmed it was a written language, though they could not decipher it. They formed search parties and spent years searching for any other sign of civilization, but found nothing. Many began to suspect it was a trick. They questioned how such a young woman could find such an artifact without meaning to, when nothing else existed.
    The language caused strife within the community. The mystery tortured many, others feared what it meant. They could never be certain that they were alone, and if not, what horrible creatures survived on this planet naturally.
    When space-faring travelers discovered the small civilization, the number of available technologies exploded throughout the populace. Though the Aramsker openly traded with any space-faring travelers, they kept the language a secret. They continued to study the tablet of the First Ones. New vehicles and scanning tools led to further exploration and excavations of any curious caverns.
    After generations of searching, many lost hope of ever finding anything. The First Ones myth became known as the most famous hoax amongst the Aramsker. There are some who still believe and continue their search to understand the Lost Language of Arasram.


In these pages, you will discover elves, demons, dimensional doors, space travel, vampires, dragons, and so much more. Lupine Bay is ever-expanding and genre-encompassing. Her stories feature a large variety of relationship dynamics and sexual preferences, including traditional and reverse harems, gay and lesbian romance, polyamory, BDSM, femdom, and multiple simultaneous partners. Some pages or stories will be 18+ and may feature explicit sexual scenes, graphic violence, significant blasphemy, and occasional cannibalism.
  All artwork & content © 2022 Elizabeth Earle unless otherwise stated.
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