Adderstones Item in Lupine Bay | World Anvil


Luca’s Catalog of Magical Artifacts   Entry #1
  Item: Adderstone(s)   Current Owner(s): N/A   Origin: Unknown   Short Description: Rare stones of uncommon power which offer varied magical benefits   Detailed Notes   I began encountering these stones around the property of ‘Brigid’s B&B’ not long after awakening from my slumber. I’ve yet to definitively confirm who placed them, but I highly suspect the Fae character who’s skulking around the place. It seems more likely than the Celestial, at any rate.   This is not my first time seeing such a stone, of course. Although they are rare, they’re not that rare - after all, there’s at least 10 hanging about this single inn. Before I went to sleep, they were commonly worn on necklaces, that they might be used to discern the true nature of any Fae the wearer had dealings with. You see, a unique feature of the stones is the perfect hole, direct through the center, which, when peered through, will allow you to see past any glamour or other Underhill tricks.   There are reports that the stones can also be used to assist in healing, as protection for personal property, to defend from unwanted visits of the dead, the list is unending. I have not personally tested the stones for any purpose, so cannot attest to the veracity of these claims. However, I have secreted away one that was left on this property (with so many, who’s to miss just one) and will certainly conduct further tests.   *Note: A curious thing did happen as I was holed up in the pub, examining my find. The child who lives here, younger sibling of the owner I believe, happened to notice. And despite appearing to be a completely normal human, he called out the stone by name. The correct name. I don’t know where a child of such youth and no magical inclinations would learn the correct names of magical artifacts - perhaps this ‘internet’ entity that seems to have taken over the human consciousness? If I understand correctly, it values and dispenses knowledge. I should like to learn how to make its acquaintance.


In these pages, you will discover elves, demons, dimensional doors, space travel, vampires, dragons, and so much more. Lupine Bay is ever-expanding and genre-encompassing. Her stories feature a large variety of relationship dynamics and sexual preferences, including traditional and reverse harems, gay and lesbian romance, polyamory, BDSM, femdom, and multiple simultaneous partners. Some pages or stories will be 18+ and may feature explicit sexual scenes, graphic violence, significant blasphemy, and occasional cannibalism.
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