Time and Tilt Physical / Metaphysical Law in Lumeria | World Anvil
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Time and Tilt

Lumeria has a slightly more tilted axis, causing more sun exposure to the top part and causing lower places to be cooler year-round. Lumeria still spins quickly, but there's an obvious difference in times and ways people count it. People go by this terminology; Kraex (kray-ex) to represent a year, krixohs (krix-oh-ss) to represent a week, krixoht (krix-aw-t) to represent a day, srukix (ss-roo-kick) to represent an hour, krazer (craze-er) to represent a minute, and a krix to represent a second. There are no months, just seasons instead, still being Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. They still use decades, centuries, and millenniums, especially for age.   There is 26 srukix in a krixoht. Krixohs have eight krixohts- Kuekix (cue-kicks), Olex (oh-lex), Tipaw (teh-pah), Keeq (c-eek), Claxis (clah-kicks), Zovazis (zoh-vah-zis), Amik (ah-mike), and Myk (mick). Typically for work times or school times in certain areas, Kuekix, Olex, Amik, and Myk are typically the "weekend." Of course, it differs from place to place.   In Spring, Summer, and Winter, there are 32 krixohts (roughly 4 krixohs), while Autumn as 40 krixohts (roughly 5 krixohs). In total, an entire kraex is 136 krixohs, the amount of time it takes for Lumeria to orbit Ciro.   Timezones are different, though there is a typical time in which the sun sets and rises, depending on season. Universally, however, midnight is 2600 and afternoon is 1300. In Spring and Summer, sunrise occurs around 0700 and sunset occurs around 2100. In Autumn, sunrise occurs around 0800 and sunset occurs around 2200. In Winter, sunrise occurs around 0900 and sunset occurs around 2000.   There are several different timezones. For umbrella terms, there is West Timezone, Middle Timezone, and East Timezone. In the west, there is Wobek Mountain Time, Ixapes Time, and Jewel Time, which are more "behind." In the middle, there is Shire Time and York-Lux Time, which is can be "behind" or "ahead." In the east, there is Sotrul Forest Time, Ikoa Forest Time, and East Coast Time, typically considered "ahead."

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