Rayo the Paladin Character in Luc | World Anvil
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Rayo the Paladin

King Rayo (a.k.a. the Paladin)

Rayo the Paladin was the fourth King of Panïka.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Having spent 23 years as a soldier in the Panïk empire, Rayo was incredibly physically able.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rayo was born to Sörel the Strategist and Tetra the Fair in Deon in 5 ET. He was the middle child, preceded by Winda and succeeded by Nhamba. Growing up, he was a very spiritual boy, immediately taking to the religion of Meandare. At 20, he joined his grandfather Mikos the Shielded as a member of the Panïka military. When Mikos died in 29 ET, Rayo became general of the army. He served as general for 19 years, until 48 ET, when Rayo's father died and Rayo became king. Although Rayo was a benevolent king, he made religion mandatory, even for those who were atheist.


Sörel had all three of his children educated by Redyo the Reverent, as he was.


Religious Views

Rayo was a strict Meamba and values spirituality very highly.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
General of the Panïka Military, King of Panïka
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
5 ET 60 ET 55 years old
Current Residence
Quotes & Catchphrases
I may be your king by name, but I do not lead you. Meanda leads you, as he leads us all.
Aligned Organization

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