tustauve Species in Lovely | World Anvil
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tustauve (too-sta-awev)

What is a Tustauve?

  A tustauve is a plant that grows near the Luve Mountains and is a bit uncommon to find. Tustavues are flowers with healing properties, as well as spiritual properties. Tustauves are often used by the Nostravolish in everyday things such as a Lousei or in medicines, and food. Tustauve is expensive outside of the Nostravolish reservation, and the nostravolish chief typically takes advantage of that to help the economy of the nostravolish.  

What does a Tustauve look like?

Tustauves are tall flowers that have roots strong enough to break into the rock of the mountains. The stem is flexible but sturdy. The stem is a green color with streaks of color. The color of the streaks tells you if the flower is ripe or not. If the streaks are white then it's dangerous to eat, if the streaks are purple the flower is safe to eat. If the streaks are blue then they can be used for medicines. If the streaks are pink then they can be used spiritually. The petals of the flower surround the pistil. The petals are either white, light blue, or purple but the petal color doesn't affect the plant at all. The pistil is always a yellowish color.

How are Tustauve's collected?

Tustauve's are often collected in the spring. Groups of men and women, typically farmers go to the Luve mountains and collect tustauve's of different colors. Sometimes children are taken as well so they can learn the difference between the streak colors, and learn how to properly harvest a Tustauve. Tustavue's must be pulled from the roots in order to keep all of the flowers intact and usable. If part of it is broken then it isn't used.

Why are Tustauve's only collecting in spring?

In the other seasons, the Luve Mountains are too dangerous for people to go close to let alone be in. The temperatures get very high, and the air is filled with toxic pollens. Toxic and poisonous plants aren't alive during the spring but in the other seasons the toxic plants are bloomed and active.


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