The Great radiance. Geographic Location in Loured | World Anvil
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The Great radiance.

Land of the light and reason

Created and edited by Rafael Ortega
Before the world was covered in darkness and the north was frozen, a city existed were Gods, angels, demons, and humans lived togheter. It wasn't the land of peace and love that the Gods wanted everyone to believe.   It was hell on earth, destruction and war all over the place. Once The Wise One realize that there was no reason to try to improve he shatter the city and the hole continent with one punch, then he took a part of the land and rose it to the heavens.   Water ran freely covering the huge holes left by its Majesty, the world shake and after decades of furios earthquakes and floods the earth found a new balance, a new land had risen and the newcomers were ready to do whatever they could to survive.   And so, after almost a century of suffering a new realm was forged near the coast of the east, and it was called Hoordiane, with the years and the rich land crops and animals grow and reproduced to provide food and clothing for its inhabitants, they thrived and the little town reached the proportion of a small city.   Back then the city was renamed Hudian, the first government was created and the epoch of light shined through the streets of the city.   Humans were the dominant species since they were the most durable and fierce when it was time to fight, the demons survived on the scavenging through dead lands and evolve to what is now known as the Midory, human-wolf like creatures that live to the arid lands to the south of the mountain system.   The angels however died to the cataclysm but a small fraction, that is the ones that sticked to the humans, and now are part of their civilization, thanks of the genetics the angels are almost indistinguishable from the humans except that they have two internal organs that the humans don't, and that is what allows them to thrive in harsh environments.   The Gods live above all the earth on a floating place over the clouds, that now cover the hole world.   After hundreds of years they've reached a scientific revolution and after the invention of the coal engine the production and expansion of the rase allowed them to reach a peak on the development of the technology, that in it's own way allowed for new technologies to evolve.   A turning point for the humans was reached when they discovered a new form of energy, this is the Eather, this energy was found in crystals on the southern mountain system and under the giant trees on the eastern forest, and a new branch of machines and studies were born, the eathernics and eathermancy, the former one was the application of the crystals on machines, and the later is the use of crystals over the human body.   Eathermancy allowed the users to have different abilities depending on the crystal, and this in turn is going to create one of the greatest crisis this city has faced in it's thousand year life.


The northern region is one of the most flat places in the hole world, it is known as the mirror of the Gods, it's an extension of frozen water that have never had a single snowflake repose over it. From it to the south a couple hundred of kilometers is the city of Goulandred, also known as the city of the open sky.   It is near the eastern coast. And to the north of the largest mountain system on the continent, to the south west the forest of Esdertion extends, and to the west and north-west a huge mist covers it all. Behind that myst lies the lake of the lost wishes, a huge lake that almosts goes to the other extreme of the continent, from the southern mountains a river is born that goes all the way to the coast passing right next to where the city is. This river has the name of Goelten.   To the south is the unexplored savage land of the Mitory a wolf like creatures that are the second most advanced civilization.   The existence of other continents is unknown to the inhabitants of the land.

Fauna & Flora

Pirch, white poplar, aspen, willow are the most common trees in the region, small bushes are the predominant species of flora in the region, due to the cold flowers can't really flourish in the area until summer, where tulip, roses, daisies come with the birds and other animals that migrate north.   Beside the aforementioned Mitory, Polar foxes, reindeer, white hares white partridge, white owl, bobo bird, lynx and the marta cibelina are the animals that live in the forests and the surrounding areas of the city, the mountains are to cold to sustain any live forms and the lake is unknown to have live, no person has ever tried to go that far.

Natural Resources

There is a lot of wood and stone thanks to the mountains and the forest, there is also fish from the river and some crops that survive the cold temperatures of the region, marble is common and there is a couple of mines that extract diamonds, esmeralds, bismuths, gold, silver, copper and lead.   Eather was a reacent discovery that changes the propieties of other materials, convined with gold it creates an energy reaction that allows the metal to produce great amounts of heat, silver makes everything that it touches frozen, copper makes things float deppending on the amount of copper and lead makes things weight more.   The eather also intereacts with humans and there is where the color of it is important, thanks to quemichal reactios eather can change from its white form to green, blue, purple, red and yellow, there are more forms but those are lethal to human beings.   Green enhances muscle strenght and resistance, blue enhances hearing and sight, purple makes the user resistant to fire and cold, red allows the user to create fire, yellow makes the user to see eather users.
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