Ikosia Settlement in Lost Waves | World Anvil


This long-abandoned kingdom is now only ruins hidden underground. Some buildings carry the signs of the fire that devastated the city as Amaunator burned it to the ground. In the centre of the city stands the old temple to Amaunator and that is the last place that the The Amulet of Amaunator was seen. Next to the temple lies the remains of the palace of the last king of Ikosia, also known as the False King.   The exact location of Ikosia has been lost to time, and scholars even disagree about the races who lived there. It was founded at some point during the Second Breaking.


The lost kingdom of Ikosia was one of the first to have worshipped Amaunator, they worshipped him so much that he gave the priests of this kingdom an amulet. The amulet was a tool that can shed pure sunlight, but can also tell if somebody tells the truth.   Years went by and the amulet was used as it was supposed to be used, but everything changed when the brother of the late king took over the kingdom and stole the amulet from the priests. At first he used it like the priests to judge crimes and misunderstandings but later in his reign he misused it to scare the people and to punish them when they doubt him. But everyone started to hate him when he started to take lives with it, Amaunator became very angry and decided to punish the false king. He killed the false king by burning his palace down, but his rage was so great that the earth under the kingdom started to crack and the kingdom fell down. The innocent people that lived there tried to escape but the earth closed above them, so there was no way out of the kingdom.   Over time the kingdom and the amulet fell into legend.
Alternative Name(s)
The lost city, The Lost Kingdom of Ikosia
Large city
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