Pasha - Phantom of the Eastern Sands | Lost Waves


Redeemed by Barbarossa Sparklebeard

Phantom of the Eastern Sands

Very little is known about Pasha and many believe him to just be a myth. Those who have seen him describe him as wearing a porcelain mask with a single crack through which one can see one eye. He is dressed n long, tattered, rags that mostly conceal the shape below.   It is said that Pasha knows many, maybe all, secrets and he's willing to sell them. Or sell protection so that others can't buy your secrets. In return, he might ask for memories (which you will lose), years of your life, or other strange immaterial things.   Clearly, Pasha has access to some powerful magic. For instance, he is able to teleport away quickly should an encounter turn violent.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Persuading Pasha to cut you a better deal is nearly impossible. Trying to trick him is a lot harder. His mind is mercurial and strange.

Morality & Philosophy

While Pasha's morality might not correspond to that of most peoples, he does have a code and he follows it very strictly.
Current Location
Grey (one visible)
180 cm


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