Sorcerer Profession in Lornlusk | World Anvil




Sorcerers have always been exceedingly rare, with only a few families having a strong magical bloodline, and other sorcerers simply being magical flukes. After the Sorcerer Inquisition they became an even rarer breed, seemingly near the point of extinction. Today they have reestablished themselves somewhat, but continue to be extremely rare anomalies.


Sorcerers have always been feared by most people, because they have greater raw potential for dangerous magic than any other people, and if left unchecked sorcerers could easily let their power get out of control. However, in 329, there was an uprising of mages led by a man named Soloman Stenthorpe, the self-proclaimed Witch-King. His rebellion led to great civil unrest and countless deaths, but was ultimately crushed. Due to his actions and fear mongering led by the church and the government, fear of magic-wielders, especially sorcerers, was at an all-time high. This led to the passing of the Sorcerer Inquisition of 333, in which any family with a history of magical bloodline was cleansed. Few families managed to escape, and those that did were often forced to either flee the Empire or to adopt entirely new identities in secret. Today, sorcerers have begun to reemerge as perception of them has laxed ever so slightly, but they are still feared and hated by the common populace.


Provided Services

Sorcerers are naturally powerful spell casters, and possess the most raw, latent magical power out of any type of mage. When they are sought after, it often to utilize this powerful magic to some end, or to experiment on the sorcerer themselves, as research subjects with naturally magical blood are extremely valuable. Sorcerers are sometimes caught and traded in the black market for these purposes.

Dangers & Hazards

The main danger a sorcerer poses is to themselves. By having innate access to magic, it is extremely easy for sorcerers to lose control and cause serious damage to themselves or those around them. Outside of the dangers they pose to themselves, unregistered sorcerers may be hunted by the Inquisition for the heresy of Witchcraft.
Sorcerers are legal, but must be registered and bear a Spellmark. Failure to register oneself means that one would be a practicing Witch, and so must be executed for heresy.