The Church of the Silent King Character in Lorinian Soll | World Anvil
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The Church of the Silent King

In a time long after the Crystallization, when Lorinian was naught but a ball of black granite, alone in the dark, He came. He was not the Creators, They had died long ago, but He was like unto Them, and so He pierced the Great Crystal Sphere and gained Entry. As Lorinian was alone, He thought to take Mastery. He found thus, no more, and no less: Life and History.     Lorinian was dark and still, but Life was there, and History too. Each had been paused, as if a Great Hand had stopped Time Itself, and the World waited. It longed to be whole once again. He saw that the Creators had Failed their World and their Peoples, had betrayed each other, and He wept. As His tears fell upon the face of Lorinian, Life resumed, and History too.     And thus He knew, with Mastery came Duty. All Hail Branadakan, The Silent King, the Claimer of Worlds, Master of Fate -An excerpt from "The Book of All-History", a cult favourite for followers of Branadakan

Divine Domains

  • Order
  • War
  • Knowledge
  • Unity

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of All-History, a never-ending series of pamphlets with some seriously hard-to-read handwriting that covers everything from the best way to cook a strawberry pie, to the best way to sacrifice heathens and heretics to The Silent King.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A crown with the globe of the world held within and on top of it's points.

Tenets of Faith

According to lore, Branadakan was the first god to arrive after the original creators of the world had destroyed themselves and nearly the world itself. Most stories carefully avoid any suggestion that this god is a kind of intergalactic conqueror, and any suggestion that he was present for or even involved in the age old wars between the gods is considered the greatest heresy. Where he came from is also not discussed (or more likely not even known by even the most the devout) as he is here now, and for all of history forward, and that is what is important.   After Branadakan took up the burden of Lorinian humbly, he bowed his head and fell silent to the world for the great strain of the weight is now upon his shoulders, as well as the fate of all mortals. It is said that the five wisest beings that resumed their lives at the start of the 4th Age became aware of his presence and immediately devoted themselves to spreading the great news to all the peoples of the world.   Here at last, they said, was a god worthy of everyone's devotion regardless of race, creed, and more. Branadakan, our Silent King, who will bear witness to all as he bears the world.   Of course, during the first few years of the Fourth Age, a lot of people had some pretty heavy opinions on that and any god at all. His followers mostly concentrated in Greenlaw , but found some popularity in places such as the dwarven nations El Arassi and El Nokour , the Dunakezi City-States , Penarth , and even Butschwil .   These days, the legendary five original followers and their cults have flourished into one of the few true religions in Lorinian Soll; they have spread beyond just one culture or isolated area, and minister to members of many different races. They are also one of the few priesthoods that allow any race or gender to rise to any level within. For all of that egalitarianism on the surface, advancement within the Church of The Silent King is a matter of politics and influence to rival the machinations of the worst feudal court around.   Acolyte- Anyone can submit themselves to the Church to become an Acolyte, even a wanted criminal. However, the Church makes it quite clear what the punishment is for anyone who thinks this is an easy way out, for the life in their faith means there is no leaving it. Death is too easy, anyone who mocks The Silent King is offered up in sacrifice. Acolyte do all the dirty work: cleaning, cooking, scrubbing the pews, and tending the flocks and gardens. Acolytes wear the simplest of robes from the poorest of cloths, and no shoes, to represent Branadakan's humility in taking on the responsibility of the World. Even Acolytes are taught prayers and divine spells at times, and are used as cannon-fodder during holy wars.   Devout- After an Acolyte has served for four years and attained Wisdom (impressed their superiors...or blackmailed them), they can be raised to the Devout. They too get to try to impress...ostensibly by being allowed to begin studying topics of their own choosing. They finally get private rooms at most Churches, and at last can remove those itchy, ragged robes to slip into gentle wool and stout, comforting shoes. In reality, their lives just get harder, as to impress in this faith one needs to wield both knowledge and political acumen, and while there are plenty of classes on history and the sciences, there aren't often superiors that want to teach politics and manipulation to those who might supplant them. Good luck if you make it in the six years written as law in the Book of All-History.   Kneeler- Wizened old men and women, that need the help of a cane of a cluster of Acolytes to help them get to their feet some of them might be, but do not be fooled by any appearance of frailty...or humility either. When a Kneeler gets down on their knee, taking the pose of taking on the weight of the world themselves, they are about to harangue their congregations, at length, and with exacting detail about how they must obey Fate. Fate is Branadakan's plan, and the only way He can keep up the World is if we all follow His Will. Or they might be about to lecture you about the nature of the conflicts of Sylvanarellen and the Giants in the Second Age. You never know. And you've never seen someone quite as arrogant as a Kneeler, on their knee, not even an elf in a snit!   The Silent- Somehow, the Will of The Silent King's Church on Lorinian and Fate Itself is guided by a group of ten poor souls that have their tongues ripped out, their fingers removed (sometimes toes too, if the bugger is really clever and dextrous as was learned the hard way sometime past), and are selected by the Kneelers from among their own numbers, as well as the Devout and Acolytes whenever a position needs filling. Their grunts and glares have often been the rallying cry for many of the greatest holy wars the Church has ever fought against the other idiot faiths that preach things like "freedom" and "choice". Yes, that's right folks, only in His Church can you go from a brand new acolyte to leading the faith in just a single day! (you must have really pissed someone off)   The Latest Fate- This group of Church assass...police help to ensure that all followers are doing their part to make sure everyone is safe and following His Plan.   The Shoulders- The militant arm of the Church, the Shoulders comprise most of the clerics of Branadakan, those battle-trained priest that wear armour and drag weapons into a fight as well as spells. They serve at the whim of the Silent, as do all, and act as the faith's generals and wardens.   The Recorder- Some say this shriveled old man that wears a loincloth and smells of piss, lurking in the basement of Branadakan's Cathedral in Greenlaw is the true power behind the faith, always has, and always will be, as he scribbles away in The Book of All-History. Of course, they are soon offered up in glorious and bloody sacrifice to the humble, weeping, silent god that saved the world.


Birthdays are especially important occasion in the Church, and celebrated by others performing one's duties and tasks for that day of rest. One is not blamed if one feels uncomfortable being lazy and unproductive, a drain on resources and on the community as a whole, and working is entirely allowed on a birthday. But is is optional. If you want to be like that.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Cosmology of Lorinian had been paused before Branadakan's arrival. The world had once been a bustling, lively place, but when the gods triggered their own demise at the end of the Third Age, they doomed the world as well. It was by His sorrow for all the peoples and races, His tears, that brought it back. What better credentials could a missionary ask for? Without The Silent King, there wouldn't be the world and its second-chance. The Church is just here to make sure we don't upset the balance and cause the World to fall out of His grasp.
Divine Classification
God (Greater Deity)

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