Dragon Ships Vehicle in Lorewick | World Anvil
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Dragon Ships


The dragon ship has a 2 mast rig and supporting oars for combat purposes. They are not fit for traveling between the inner and outer archipelago.

Weapons & Armament

The large, dragon-shaped bow has a large cannon attached to it. The bow also has a small port attached which can emit smoke and occasionally poisonous gas. Every member of the ship is armed and will fire from the sides of the ship at the enemy. The ships carry a large store of gun powder and even some spare arrows for bows and crossbows.

Armor and defense

On top of the ship is fitted a large iron shell like a turtle. The shell is made up of smaller plates linked together. Each of the plates holds spears to prevent any attempts at boarding. It keeps close to sea level and the bow emits a fog cloud to disguise the location of the ship.

Communication Tools & Systems

At the helm is a horn that, when spoken into, distorts so that it sounds like a massive dragon. They have been used for internship communication as well as intimidation tactics, especially when using a Morrigan Whistle.


On board, each ship was a basin of Waldon to detect and hopefully deter various storms. The water reacts to what the weather will be like in 24 hours, matching the temperature and even forming small rain clouds above it to predict rain.


The Dragon Ship was first found in the ruins of Aa the Spider Queen's notes, based on some ancient horror found in old texts. They were first created by the warlord of Saul knowns as Ferrigan, who used them to defend his very small island from the invasions of other warlords. When Darklord Bloodthorne took over and redid the national navy he decomissioned many of them but kept 12, calling them the lucky dragons.
squat dragons
Creation Date
30,000 gold pieces
Related Technologies
Complement / Crew
40 to 60 are required to use a dragon ship


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Aug 6, 2022 01:33 by Marc Zipper

Look how this ship is supposed to be fierce strong tactical and with heart defects. trying to represent what it is to be a dragon. The ship is very cool I like it.

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