Seeds of the Heart Chamber Plot in Lorathea | World Anvil

Seeds of the Heart Chamber

The Heart Chamber: The eight passageways are the major circulatory tubes. The atria are merely foyers to the eight alcoves. One ventricle is the immortality room with the mechanisms that control the world machine, while the other is reference library. The enchantments maintaining the shelves have failed, so the books are all ready to collapse into dust. In the center of the room are three glass cases. Each case holds a single book: The Tome of Ancient Lore(X), The Plight of the Gnomish Peoples and the Covenant of Pelor, and the World Book.   Light Reading: If the party allows Toby to review the World Book, he will let someone else read the Covenant with his lens. After a few minutes, he will be able to unlock the doors to the immortality chamber. It’s a coded lock that would be clear to anyone who has traveled as they have and a complete mystery to anyone else.   Chris claims of increased itching and supposes something is going on where his wings had been.   Meanwhile, the Covenant prologue discusses a chaos that beset the world and how the Council of Grandlords to struck a deal with Pelor and other deities for their own independent source of life and magic as a means to escape their home world and hide their whereabouts. They apparently were gifted with their own “Light of the Heavens” and periapts potent enough to store the “Epitome” spell. This spell was then cast repeatedly to direct the changes they sought. A DC 23 Arcana check reveals this to be another name for the Wish spell.   The prologue ends with a map of the disk world, with this chamber, made from a Deep Dweller’s heart, at the base of The Tower of Illusions. The notes indicate that, while spatially focused here, the chamber is a realm apart. The book can be read in detail later for details of the back-story.   Immortality and Death: The Immortality chamber contains 8 pods, one for each Greatlord, but one is clearly a monument, not a real chamber. A DC 18 INT check suggests that the entrance, being one of the 8 passageways, indicates that one of the Greatlords performed their magic out in the discworld, not in an alcove. Only one chamber has an occupant. She is nearly mummified and appears to be concentrating.   She is mad and distraught, meaning she can only poorly relate to the players. The gist of things is that she was the volunteer, the one to go out into the world and likely die in its creation, hence the memorial tube, which bears an etching of her face. Ironically, being out of the chamber, she didn’t fall victim to whatever killed the others. She dragged herself back only to find that the dark ones had interfered, being taken up with all the ballast. She managed to get to the chamber and dispel the evil and reseal it within the ballast. Amy will recognize an Illithid scar on her skull, revealing the woman to be a lich, animated past death, rather than a true survivor. True to that, she can see several ghosts of her former compatriots, even if she doesn’t know which is which. They haunt their tubes and try to help her. Liquid cerulite solution and other fluids pass into and out of her through the immortality rig, suggesting a reason why she appears so lifelike. But she is tired, her attention has already slipped several times, resulting in the current state of affairs.   Mechanisms in the center of the room are odd, but a DC 20 Spellcraft roll reveals that they are meant to be operated telekinetically (probably by the people in the tanks). Toby can use his rope to achieve this effect and operate the machinery. Several fudged rolls later, he triggers an access panel release and falls into the gearworks, being smashed by the cerulium gears far below. As he is ground up, bones spring from his back and shape themselves into wings, but the process halts at his death.   Ancient Friends: Because there is cerulite here, the old one can find the party. He claims he can hear ghosts in most of the tanks, and that must have been all he was hearing all along. They did no inhabit the tanks physically as they had intended and the world went without rule. What remains of their ghosts and the poor mummy must have looked on, guiding and steering the best they could in their half conscious state.   He will answer questions, and then at the behest of the party, offer to help control the machine and see if he can’t bring things in reign. He is alive and conscious, even if ephemeral, but he can work the cerulium controls. He can, at the least, monitor the equipment and contact the party via the cerulite caves. He recommends that you all see to affairs in the world. He senses dark things.   Amy: The ranger themed passage leads to the alcove of Grandlord Gilda, a druid. Her doorway leads to a forest clearing. Her bones are covered with a nearly disintegrated robe. She wears her finery and her weapon is on a pedestal near the door back. Her Wish Rod is sticking out of her fire pit and still has two joints. A knothole in the largest tree contains the gold. Gilda’s ghost will appear and ask Amy what she wants. Regardless of the answer, she will offer Amy the peace of the Earth. A Survival check reveals this to be Druidic for death. The woman’s natural spirit has rotted in this place, making her a wraith. She begins to croon, “so fresh, so alive…give it to me.” Amy will defend her HP with Will saves until she can role play her way out (Healing spells, appealing to her Druid respect for life, offering to help free her, etc). 3000 GP Plantinum Starburst Headdress (5000 GP) Moonstone and Mithril Dancer’s Anklet (3000 GP) Dwarf Crusher (M51)   Hope: The arcane natural power passage leads to the alcove of Grandlord Arten, a Rage Mage wizard. Her doorway leads to a volcanic caldera. Her bones are covered with the decaying scraps of leather and rusting plates of armor. All that remains are her boots and ring. Her cloak is beside her and her bells are laid out before her in front of a small pool of lava for an altar. Her Wish Rod has two joints left. A stone with a slot carved in it holds the platinum. The stone is adamantine ore, and is locked by an ever-shifting logic puzzle. A DC 20 Search (Wis Int) check is needed to activate the puzzle, but a failure requires a DC 30 Reflex save to avoid the poison needle that ejects on a wrong answer. If injected, a DC 25 Fort save is needed to take only 2d6 damage, otherwise its 2d12 and causes exhaustion. Each solution provides 1 fifth of the platinum, and there is no indication of “win-lose-done.” 1100 PP Jeweled Ring (5000 GP) Dragonhide Formal Boots, Small Female (3000 GP) Golden Bell Set, 5 pc (1200 GP) Cloak of Charisma (D253)   Greg: The spider themed passage with the ancient symbols of sorcery leads to alcove of the Grandlord Moghedien, a dark sorceress. The hallway contains a door that is rigged with a bucket of rock salt. Beyond the door, the hallway is strewn with what appear to be ancient, dried onions. Near the end of the passage is a skeleton with rusting armor, surrounded by strips of curious leather. Her final doorway leads to a spider web hanging in black space. Her bones have long since fallen, but a rib and skull are caught in the threads. A cocoon in the middle holds the last notch of her Wish Rod, her gold, and the diamond. The combs are caught in the threads as well as the rods. 11000 GP Trapezohedral Diamond (6000 GP) Mithril Comb Set (1100 GP) Rod of the Recluse (M57) Rod of Silence (M175)   Chris: The winged warrior passage leads to the alcove of the celestial Grandlord Majin. There is one notch on his Wish Rod. 4000 GP Crown Emerald, Glows (4000 GP) Fire Opal Pendant (800 GP) Ring of Protetion +2 (D232)   Ian: The pitch black passage with ancient symbols of the warlock leads the alcove of the Grandlord Alhazared, an evil warlock. His doorway leads to a dark room full of living shadow. His bones and altar pyre are strewn about and look chewed upon. His possessions can be found all about. His Wish Rod retains one notch. Just before touching the Wish rod, he will hear a voice in the form of a whisper in no particular language imploring him to use the power to free them. They are trapped and so alone. “Please, let us out,” they cry. If he starts to hesitate, it starts to sound like a lost child, begging to be set free. If that doesn’t work, the force will manifest a modest but dignified form an explain it is a trapped being of great power, a shadow jinn, and that it can grant him power greater than the object of power that lay before him. If Ian wishes it free, sunlight appears, dispelling the shadows and letting the lich king leave. If not, he will need to flee, Reflex 20, or enter initiative and risk damage from the shadow beast. It is killed by any magical attack, but can deal damage first. Either way, the lich king can escape from the dagger later. 9000 GP Gold Dagger w/ Ruby Pommel (5000 GP) Silver Chains Crown (1200 GP) Ioun Stone, Scarlet and Blue Sphere (D260)   Brad: The shortest passage is big enough for only one member, and leads to the alcove of Grandlord Brandalee, the diminutive shadowdancer. Her space is a featureless spherical room. Her music box is before her. She wears her necklace, reaching for it reveals the magical skin that still clothes her bones. Her gold is stacked out as her altar. Her Wish Rod retains two notches. The room poses no danger, but has no apparent exit. Brad will have to find a way out using deduction. Despite not having a light source, Brad casts a shadow that is hard to spot as it is always hind him, moving with his vision (as if the spot he looks at on the sphere is the light source). The shadow is the exit, but he has to enter it face first. 4000 GP Gold & Ivory Music Box (3000 GP) Necklace of 7 Pink Pearls (700 GP) Psychoactive Skin of Ectoplasmic Armor (M170)   Craig: The passage of the dwarf/gnome hybrid is of the ancestor of the deep dwarf race, creator of the dwarves, and the builder of this space, Grandlord Moridin, who was deified. His cave like room is embedded with pieces of his armor that exploded off of him. If Craig touches any of these pieces, he can cast Holy Aura or Shield of Law once per day as an inherent ability, suddenly finding himself filled with divine energy. Moridin’s Wish Rod contains one notch. If Craig’s wish is benevolent or in any way furthers dwarven interests, Moridin appears, pulls a piece of his armor from the wall, and presses it into the back of Craig’s hand. The device functions as a holy symbol and provides Craig with Deity Level 0 and 1 point of natural armor. 6000 GP Sapphire Pendant (2000 GP) Ring of Force Wall (M123)   Dug Out: When the characters come out, or don’t, of the alcoves, they see a hand reach up out of the hole that Chris fell into. He is personally unharmed, but his armor is beat up pretty bad. His wings are coated with metallic feathers with gear-works near the base. The gears on the left hiss steam that rises and the features are a brassy, coppery reddish color. The gears on the right drop cold mist and the feathers have a nickel, cobalt blue sheen. He doesn’t know exactly what happened, but he thought he was dead and might have seen Pelor and St Cuthbert, but he doesn’t think he sent back so much as pulled back by the cerulite in the machinery. He is now a lawful outsider, can fly, and his wings give him +1 natural armor. He can then enter and depart from his particular chamber.   Straight Through the Heart: The Old One can access the master gateway and send the party to any of the five portals or into the Tower of Illusions. This is a one way trip and the Heart can only be reaccessed through the Tower of Illusions if they need to return. Presumably, the party will want to return to Kelfire.   The Scene Above: Once they come through, arriving atop the throne room balcony, depending on Hope’s mood, the clouds part and something natural happens. They are met by Mandragor, who reports on the day. Kelfire has been led well during the 24 hours since the party left. The regent claims to have only continued Greg’s example. His report: He issued a decree earlier to calm a growing panic over some slight tremors that had been felt. He assured the people that as the first real settlement on the island, they were bound to discover new creaks and groans, like an unfamiliar house. In reality, he believes the tremors to be new, or at least he has a bad feeling about them. He will also reveal to Greg that he is aware of his blossoming godhead, having met many in his long life. He will ask what Greg intends to do. (1000x if faces deity-hood and offers effective leadership plans) Craig’s priests meet them on their way out of the throne room. They explain that they had dreams of Moridin and that they recall seeing Craig’s standing with him. They now regard him potentially as a prophet of Moridin and will watch carefully what he does and says. They will ask if he has any wisdom to share. (1000x for wisdom or leadership) The footman will alert Amy that her mother has inquired after her with the palace staff and can be found at an inn in the village. She has fled to Kelfire, having sold her business to the town mayor. She was barely making a gain on with hiring staff (guilt), and Amy’s father was the one with the real skill and passion for the craft. With sale money, she was able to buy passage out of Loenidis. There was an imperial raid in the nearby town and the border was growing violent. There are even rumors that border defense and the loss of gem trade are bankrupting the Governor. She will also seem a little out of sorts regarding her reasons. Only if pushed will she reveal that the largest reason for leaving was that imperial troops were arresting townsfolk and performing interrogations concerning Amy, and the raid provided the cover she needed to flee. (1000x for pushing her or guessing her reasons, 5000x for confiding in Greg) Greg should be unaware of the money loss and the prophesy. If he takes Amy’s report and asks his brother what is up, he will confide that he has not been good with the kingdom’s money. Funds have been tight with recent changes, but not unworkable. However, he has been making unfortunate decisions, such as investing in the Castle spell. As for Amy, he is aware cousin Reginald has been doing an inquisition regarding one of the royal prophesies, but he hasn’t bothered to look into it. Reginald is somewhere in the country, but it would take considerable time to locate him. (500x for the scene, 1000x for looking up the prophesy or displays of leadership) Brad’s thief network will have left reports with his steward. The news is bad. Many Imperial cities are beginning to give into rioting and chaos as a failing of central leaderships is leading to a mishandling of resources and authority. Minor nobility at the borders or otherwise far from the Imperial seat are considering secession, evidenced by consolidating their militaries rather than centralizing. Elves far and wide have been departing the empire’s interior and the palaces of Elven nobility in Ry’Lar have been shut tight. Due the Empire’s aggressive expansion and military action, now spread thin, it is suffering from border skirmishes with unallied territories and raids. The spies want to know how you want to use them now. It’s possible that the Empire is contemplating a raid on Sullivant, possibly to obtain resources to regain control of the country with increasing insurrection. (1000x for good follow-up questions, conclusions, or dispatches…1500x if he uses spies when presented with other character’s news) There is a potential Imperial noble in an Inn on one of the cove towns. It’s not widely known, but the thieves’ guild in the area has him watched and one of your spies used to do work for the guild and caught a drink with one on his return to Kelfire. Hope’s mother as a Dean has sent a summons to Hope. Wizard augers have bad news. The Empire sinking into chaos absorbs much of Fate’s attention, and the fortunes of the world are affected. However, they feel something small is happening, something they sense on the horizon of the future that is so small it escapes their muddied view, but that it will be the reason horrible tragedy occurs. They want to know if Hope has any insight from her travels or from her magical pursuits. Perhaps she has knowledge of the thing, or a way to pierce the veal of chaos. (500 for accepting the summons, 1000 for sharing knowledge usefully, 1000x for each good idea) If Ian makes any prayers or rites to Baccob, the deity will leave omens to indicate that it wishes a gift of Hope’s brother’s spell book, or an accurate copy of its contents. The visions will indicate an interest in the Deck of Many things, the castle spell, and the modern version of the Wish spell. It also portends that knowledge of these spells is crucial in some way. The vision ends with the view of the disk world smashing like a plate. (1000 for engaging the scene, 2000 to 5000 for handling the quest) If Amy checks her ship, she will discover orders for the mission to secure it holdings and immediately return to the capital to aid in defense of the Emperor or to aid with upcoming military operations. The formation of a sky armada is mentioned. It is clear from the phrasing that these are non-personalized orders, meaning several ships probably received this. (500 if she thinks of her ship on her own, 500 if she shares with Brad, 1000x to either for drawing conclusions) If Brad investigates the lead, he will find the Earl eking out the last of his fortune to live at moderate means in a semi-nice Inn outside of Imperial territory. After the debacle at the mountain passes, the remains of his army with Arimel reached Monterae to find that the population was none to pleased to see him. Unable to muster a show of force he was ejected down the Imperial Highway. Reaching the Empire, Arimel was forcibly conscripted into performing wizarding duties for a squadron of Imperial troops. Last Essing new the whole affair was a wipe as Lolithians crossed the border and took territory in the region. Essing couldn’t even reach the capital as many regions were in dispute and rioting and brigandery were rampant. As well he didn’t, as most nobility outside of the capital were suspect. Having almost no support and being a deposed arl, he feared ransom capture, suspicion, treason charges, and embarrassment for his loss. The sky chosen won, but at least he take comfort that the Empire will neither have them, nor will it last much longer anyway. After a couple days later, a portal opens up near the dwarven temple. A dwarven wizard, his apprentice, three council members, Craig’s mother, and fifty guards led by five dwarven defenders come through (the portal does not close). The dwarven defenders introduce the set. The council members ask if Craig truly has drawn the Axe of Doohickey. If so, his mother will be compelled, clearly against her will, to lay upon his shoulders the Mantle of Moridin, an adamantine chain mantle kept in the council chambers. A religion check reveals this to be both ceremonial for the Moridin faith, but a local knowledge check reveals this process to also elevate Craig to a high honorary social rank among the dwarves, like the king in a parliamentary monarchy. They will compliment Craig for his great service to the dwarven race, ceremony, etc. Later, the wizard will take Craig aside and tell him too of a prophesy concerning him and how, once the axe is drawn, it may be used to restore, destroy, or reforge the world upon Fate’s anvil. Several of the books Greg locates are magical tomes, but the type of magic is bizarre. For instance, the copied text itself, independent of the substrate and the ink, is the magical component. Copying a significant piece of the text results in a positive detect magic scan. Secondly, the text completely confounds spells to read other languages and spells that identify magic. However, Spellcraft checks reveal that these may be samples of an alternative magical language, much like a completely different take on the one discovered and used by modern mages. The tomes, being complete magical items, can be used with the Use Magical Item ability by the daring. (In truth, these are Sartan books from the homeworld’s ancient past, and were only curiosities to the Grandlords.)They do the following: Tome of Ship Flying: The book contains patterns that one may engrave upon a ship or other vessel to create a flying mechanism. Such a mechanism would be controlled by manipulating patterns tiles, and the whole ordeal is quite complex. Tome of Poison Wine: Depending on the type of wine and the type of vessel, each page contains a rune for turning the contents into either an effective sleeping potion or an absolutely deadly poison. Failed attempts produce an ineffective, noxious, or nauseating brew. Runes of Teleportation: Transports the use to any location that they can envision within the same world and plane. Tome of the Dragon: Turns the user into an adult dragon of a type defined by their alignment and possibly other traits. Tome of Untimely Resurrection: These runes can be used to restore the recently dead to life, provided a mostly intact body is available. The spell kills a person nearby instantly when used, chosen at random, possibly even the caster. Tome of Sheltered Realm: This book helps create a hub realm, an inter-dimensional space that links to other planes or inter-dimensional spaces. This space also works to bind these realms in strange ways.   Divinity: Chris – Machina ex Deus (Law, Fire, Ice, War, ___________, ___________) Greg – Cast in Bronze (Chaos, Good, Lightning, Magic, ___________, ___________) Hope – Eyes of the Storm (Chaos, Good, Nature, War, Magic, ___________, ___________) Craig – Heart of the Stone (Law, Good, Defense, ___________, ___________) Brad – None Ian – None Amy – None     New Day, Last Sunrise   Downtime:   The downtime is defined by Hope’s absence. When she returns, the game starts a few days later. Hope’s mother says that she arranged for the council to pay her a stipend for her services. This covered her inheritance tax for her brother’s keep and left her with an additional 900 GP. During the first few days, tremors shake all the lands. Then they abruptly stop. The Old One reports that he was learning the system. He also explains that the woman seems to think there is something new acting on the world, which is throwing things out of alignment. The staging areas report preparedness levels to allow for attack within a couple weeks of Hope’s return. Toby will attempt to conspire with Ian and Brad concerning the captive nobles they have. He will go with their recommendations, but demands that they either ransom them or keep them as hostages. He can appreciate that their Viscount treats all people equally, so it is up to us to take the other route. He already established a precedent of his subordinates doing what needs doing so that he can keep his reputation and conscience clean. Greg’s courtship of Hope’s mother.   Game Time:   A couple days after Hope’s return, a portal opens up near the dwarven temple. A dwarven wizard, his apprentice, three council members, Craig’s mother, and fifty guards led by five dwarven defenders come through (the portal does not close). The dwarven defenders introduce the set. The council members ask if Craig truly has drawn the Axe of Doohickey. If so, his mother will be compelled, clearly against her will, to lay upon his shoulders the Mantle of Moridin, an adamantine chain mantle kept in the council chambers. A religion check reveals this to be both ceremonial for the Moridin faith, but a local knowledge check reveals this process to also elevate Craig to a high honorary social rank among the dwarves, effectively a consultant to the highest dwarven leadership. They will compliment Craig for his great service to the dwarven race, ceremony, etc. Later, the wizard will take Craig aside and tell him too of a prophesy concerning him and how, once the axe is drawn, it may be used to restore, destroy, or reforge the world upon Fate’s anvil. The group will request Craig join them and return home, but will otherwise seek his advice if he chooses to stay. His mother will seek the spotlight with him and will try to reconcile. Greg can sell the books he recovered for 100 GP each, but the wizards will need spells to read them. Several of the books Greg saved are magical tomes, but the type of magic is bizarre. For instance, the copied text itself, independent of the substrate and the ink, is the magical component. Copying a significant piece of the text results in a positive detect magic scan. Secondly, the text completely confounds spells to read other languages and spells that identify magic. However, Spellcraft checks reveal that these may be samples of an alternative magical language, much like a completely different take on the one discovered and used by modern mages. The tomes, being complete magical items, can be used with the Use Magical Item ability by the daring. (In truth, these are Sartan books from the homeworld’s ancient past, and were only curiosities to the Grandlords.)They do the following: Tome of Ship Flying: The book contains patterns that one may engrave upon a ship or other vessel to create a flying mechanism. Such a mechanism would be controlled by manipulating patterns tiles, and the whole ordeal is quite complex. Tome of Poison Wine: Depending on the type of wine and the type of vessel, each page contains a rune for turning the contents into either an effective sleeping potion or an absolutely deadly poison. Failed attempts produce an ineffective, noxious, or nauseating brew. Runes of Teleportation: Transports the use to any location that they can envision within the same world and plane. Tome of the Dragon: Turns the user into an adult dragon of a type defined by their alignment and possibly other traits. Tome of Untimely Resurrection: These runes can be used to restore the recently dead to life, provided a mostly intact body is available. The spell kills a person nearby instantly when used, chosen at random, possibly even the caster. Tome of Sheltered Realm: This book helps create a hub realm, an inter-dimensional space that links to other planes or inter-dimensional spaces. This space also works to bind these realms in strange ways. Dragon Sunrise Cinematic A tremor rocks the island and the people scream. The sun, which had been normal for some time, turns into the angry Pelor. Suddenly, the Small Blue Sun begins to rise from the North. There is a bright flash and the 7-Fold sun rises from the West. The sky turns a hazy blue-white and the world is washed out with bright light. The temperature slowly begins to rise. The Red sun launches its fire-comets at the Blue Sun, which fires sheets of blue flame at the red. Streaks of white light discharge from the Seven sun, erasing their missiles. The suns seem to be at a stand-off. There is a light like a fourth sun rising, when it is revealed to be a very bright Solar Dragon. It advances on the party deliberately. A gnome sized man obscured by a sheet of blue flame advances on the party as well. Magellan the Mad appears and blocks the fire-man’s way (spot check, one of the 7 Suns winked out), holding up a warning hand bathed in white light. He manner implies he is to let the party have their business with the Dragon. Dragon Fight! The beast will challenge the party verbally for their right to claim the title Sky Chosen and offer to fight on behalf of the sky. Notable features: Immunity to both fire and lightning, is slightly magnetic (melee fighters note this), breathes plasma (fire and lightning attack, reflex save to avoid dazzle effect). Disgusted, the fire-man backhands Magellan (Spot check, her seeming slips for an instant and you see an older, wizened Hope). A giant, winged, man-shaped beast made of metal and gearworks appears (spot check, another 7 sun winks out, arcane mark), puts a blocking wing between them, and growls. The fire man disappears and shortly after, the other two go as well (7 suns all wink on). Pelor remains in the sky while the others descend. The seven-spoked wheel behind the dragon becomes 7 balls of white light that gravitate over to the players, becoming there Artifact Weapons. Chris –Axel Mundi, Double-Bladed Sword +5 Disintegrating (add 1d6 disintegrate effect damage) Lawful Empowering (+2 bonus to Strength) Balefire Effect: Can use balefire in divine context (evaporating) Blade can extend into a single bladed reach weapon The Axel Mundi is made of cerulium. The handle appears mechanical with gears and little mechanisms. When triggered, the blade moves with respect to the hilt, extending into a reach weapon with a hiss of steam. Greg – Sword of the People, Great-Sword +5 Disintegrating (add 1d6 disintegrate effect damage) Chaotic Good Shining and Empowering (+2 bonus to Charisma and Strength) Balefire Effect: Can use balefire in divine context (coruscating) Possesses extra attribute bonus, looks like ornamental longsword Craig – Mountain Cleaver, Great-Axe +5 Disintegrating (add 1d6 disintegrate effect damage) Lawful Good Wizening (+2 bonus to Wisdom) Balefire Effect: Can use balefire in divine context (beam) Defensive: Weapon actively defends, giving +4 to AC Bradly – Night Touch +5 Disintegrating (add 1d6 disintegrate effect damage) Chaotic Invigorating (+2 to Dexterity) Balefire Effect: Can use balefire in divine context (void) Enshadowing: Wielder’s image and noise is dimmed, giving a -10 to Spot or Listen checks to discern his approach Hope – Stormbringer, Great Sword +5 Disintegrating (add 1d6 disintegrate effect damage) Chaotic Good Brilliant (+2 to Intelligence) Balefire Effect: Can use balefire in divine context (white fire) At will, request any natural weather condition to occur, happens in 1d10 minutes, extends 1d4 miles from user, persists 1d8 hours (rain, winds, tornado weather, lightning storms, heat wave, etc.) Amy – Rainbow, Composite Longbow (Str 5) +5 Disintegrating (add 1d6 disintegrate effect damage) Chaotic Good Invigorating (+2 to Dexterity) Balefire Effect: Can use balefire in divine context (nova) Prismatic: Disintegrate damage type can be changed at will to: ice, fire, sonic, acid, positive, desiccating, or electricity. Ian – The Contract, Mace +5 Disintegrating (add 1d6 disintegrate effect damage) Lawful Evil Wizening (+2 bonus to Wisdom) Balefire Effect: Can use balefire in divine context (erosion) Binding: Statements made by two people while in flesh contact with the mace are binding as per Lesser Geas (4 days).


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