Gods Organization in Lonegroth | World Anvil


What is Known:

The gods of Lonegroth are powerful beyond measure, able to shape the world to their whim. Each race has its own pantheon that watches over their people and directs them ever towards greater understanding and prosperity and the people, in return, offer up their faith to sustain and power the gods. Should the people's faith wane, the gods' power would fade and the gods themselves would eventually cease to exist. The most faithful, particularly clerics and paladins, can establish a direct link to their deities, drawing upon a portion of their divine power to create magical effects or minor miracles.  

What is True:

The gods are not immortal, in the truest sense of the word, though they seem so to creatures that live no more than a few centuries at most. Back in the dawn of time, there were indeed immortal beings who created the world out of nothing and populated it with all manner of creatures. These creators - the Archons - watched over their creation as it flourished but, after roughly 10,000 years, they grew weary of their vigil and chose to retire into the Far Realm, a space beyond the Outer Planes where they could establish their own small, self-contained worlds in which to slumber without risk of being disturbed. Rather than abandon the mortal world to its own devices, the Archons instead selected many mortals who displayed special potential, raising them to the Heavens and passing onto them a small measure of divine essence. Drawing upon their own experience, the Archons instilled within this essence a time limit of 10,000 years, after which it would have to be passed on to a new mortal or risk destabilising, driving the deity insane and, eventually, destroying them. It was left up to each god to decide how they would choose their successor and, indeed, when, as long as it happened before the 10,000 year expiration.


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