Magistratus Basileus Rank/Title in Lohadalar | World Anvil
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Magistratus Basileus

Written by Marty McMarn

Magistratus Basileus was originally one of the lesser ranks that were historically bestowed on the head of the church in Lohadalar and was given to represent them being the final arbiter of justice to the world’s population. Even a Head of State would acquiesce to the Church as they were seen as a transnational beacon of order and the decisive spiritual force throughout the history of Lohadalar. They are seen as the ultimate defenders of the faith and an indispensable component of the world and its power was thought to be incontestable.
  Many years ago, when Cavion X tried to throw the Churches considerable weight around too much and claim a stretch of land that was littered with rich mineral deposits in Taygeta, its king stood up to him. In retribution the Head of the Church attempted to excommunicate him, the other Heads of State were appalled and dismayed. In retaliation, they formed a coalition that challenged the church. This led to a schism amongst the faithful and eventually open war and rebellion within the church.
  Discovered in a brothel house Cavion X was captured and forced to sue for peace. Under pressure from the alliance, he reluctantly dissolved the churches armies and agreed to their demands that never again could a man that was sworn to the church pick up a weapon in anything other than self-defence. The majority of the group's property and monetary assets were seized. Satisfied with the outcome and expecting the wicked priest’s power to wain, each King and his armies returned to their lands. However, they were each of them deceived as while the Churches standing army was indeed stood down in accordance with the peace treaty, Cavion X had quickly rallied his loyalists to his side. He circumvented the text of the agreement and instead began recruiting women to take up the sword for God. Not long after this was discovered Cavion X was found drowned in his bath.
  Following his death, a new Head of the Church was elected and they forsook all titles other than Basileus Magistratus. They have cleverly appealed directly to the common folk of each country and began to build up their credibility once again by championing justice, advocating peace and the rule of law. The army of Holy Princesses however still grows unchecked.

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