KOHKOL: Session 09 -- Epilogue 'The Ducal Seat of Naeve' in Logresse | World Anvil
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KOHKOL: Session 09 -- Epilogue 'The Ducal Seat of Naeve'

Attendant Figures

Royalty —
  • King Egrebersh
  • Queen Meila
  • Prince Faeth
  • Princess Alsa
  • Prince Fallesse
  • Princess Sailshan
  • Prince Emper

  Cloud Knights

  • Sir Wawwin
  • Sir Hahk
  • Sir Estricht
  • Sir Veserith

Other Attendents

  • Herald Granthom
  • Sir Renaissance
  • Dagnyr Perlidar
  • Lessfear
  • Saverny Chozen
  • Tales Scholar
  • Mute Tome

  The assembly began informally. The usual start for the goodly king. All attending are used to the king’s easy ways. King Egrebersh was in good mood. He seemed to want his sword polished. The work of his squire must have been insufficient. Thus it was that the king made busy with a soft cloth for much of the meeting.

Queen Meila was irritable. Her face and manner were clouded. As she entered with the king, they were finishing a private discussion and clearly the good Queen was not pleased with what had been said. She spent the meeting sullen and storm-like.

The princes and princesses were attending without much to suggest they had other requirements to be about. Most good-natured comments were shared among them. Princess Saillesh’s wounded eye has settled into a less angry colour. The healer, Ceriestrident should have been in attendance but he and his mission to restore the princess’s eye must await.

All five cloud knights arrived together from the Banner Chamber. Herald Vouchdanger’s report will contain what was said there. Their entrance made the meeting more companionable. Prince Faeth asked after Sir Wawwin’s dogs. The knight admitted that they were off their hunting best and that he blamed the weather which has been notably damp. Sir Wawwin gave the wet ground and subsequent lack of scent the blame. He also mentioned that, Strachenslash, his prized lurcher was getting on. Sir Hahk mentioned that the king was looking slimmer and this brought forth protests from several of the king’s offspring and two suggestive pantomimes from Mute Tome, that disagrees with Sir Hahk’s statement.

The king silenced the hall with custom and customary speed. All were happy to be quiet as he told of the kingdoms wealth and need. Serviceable amounts of coin have been extracted from the mines, farms and lumber of the kingdom. The king denoted these things in typical manner. Queen Meila took pains to point out that two ships had been lost in the fortmonth. She stated that the only good news was that both foundering shad not resulted in great loss of life. She asked for the assembly to consider again her call for the shoals to be hard-dredged. This appeared to receive thoughtful looks but not much in the way of support. The knights deferring to Tales Scholar on this matter. Takes us an interesting woman. Her study of the Shoals of Koshigen are worthy of heraldic consideration. She indicated the cost might be borne by the king but that the merits of the undertaking would be shared by at least the kingdoms along the western shores. Tales made clear that there was also the possibility of changing the currents that flowed along the coast, rendering many charts useless and creating the potential for more wrecks.

The Queen looked more grave than the others at the woman’s report. The queen gave Tales a dismissive reply and curtly asked for other subjects to be discussed. Prince Fallesse was quick to do so. He brought up the matter of the Kingdom of Nanisin’s breach of coinage. Nanisin was due to provide several cartages of coin to the treasury. Two fortmonths have passed since it was due and the prince called for assistance in claiming it by duress if no other means was sufficient. Prince Faeth being eldest joined this call for extraction dutifully but the others and the cloud knights were less enthused. The Queen was in accord with Prince Fallesse. The king took pains to point out Nanisin’s military strength. Prince Fallesse pointed out this strength could be claimed to be at Naeve’s expense. The king frowned at this accurate enough statement. He agreed to consider a more direct response. He asked me to arrange a directive to be addressed to the Nanisin’s court.

Princess Alsa asked for a small stipend for a new set of riding armour for her retinue. This brought some more foolery from Mute. Prince Emper laughed aloud at the japester’s antic impression of the princess’s page. I have not seen Mute’s portrayal of Page Umtah before. It is a close likeness. The jape’s exaggeration of Umtah’s scowl was a ringer for the actual man’s usual expression. Mute’s ability grows better with age. The king said something to this effect. The Queen it must be noted, nodded but her agreement was more considered than commending in nature. She looked at the jape most seriously both during his mummery and at the king’s compliment.

It was at this juncture, the dealings of kingdom more or less complete that guest-arrivals were presented. First to be ushered within was Saverny. A longtime visitation to the court, Saverny was welcomed heartily by the king. The Queen was less agreeable and looked at the king with some disdain at his rousing welcome. Saverny is a comely woman of an age both adult and yet not at a point wherein her charm has mellowed. The queen was polite in her more natural welcome to the woman. The queen asked of Saverny’s travels to Halk, kingdom of the north. Saverny was effusive in her praise for the northern kingdom’s new industry. She claimed that ice from the borderlands had been obtained of such hardness that its transport to other kingdoms could be considered simple. The royals took this news with great delight. Mute made to capering about pretending to eat from a bowl which he ‘dropped’ and then spent the better part of two minutes slipping about in the bowl’s imaginary content along the length of the hall’s tiles. This took the jape completely out of the hall. The guards there, closing the great doors after him. This brought smiles, even from the queen.

Saverny’s report concluded with other business of her travels which the king did his best to appear bored with. He dismissed her with thanks of the kingdom. It was still evident that he wanted to hear more from this attractive visitor but he was mindful of the queen’s formidable mood.

Presented next, was a retinue. The retinue was led by Sir Renaissance, Lord Protector of Ranthurm. This is the new kingdom. His retainers were his squire, Dagnyr Perildar and his Page, S. Lessfear. The knight is newly renown as I am made aware by the documents that accompanied the arrival of the rangedwalk. The royal court had yet to be informed of the action of renown. As it might be impolitic, I deferred the recounting. The king would have had it but I doubted the queen’s welcoming the same. She worries greatly after the princess’s chances of a decent found match if her face is left in tatters. The knight’s retainers are most odd. Each has the barest sign of being acceptable in their roles. The squire is doughty assuredly, but is a veer. This is strange enough. The addition that this veer is hesitant to be called cleftyck, makes me worry as to his disposition. Still, he made no untoward statements to the court. Normal veering actions at court are less welcome. He bears watching as a precautionary. The page is human. That does not make him more seemly than the squire. I will step aside the main report to offer illustration:

He refused to give his given name. He made to point out that this was his ‘given’ name and therefore he was not of a mind to give it away just yet. I have grown accustomed to Mute’s inability to make verbal japes. This page’s effort, despite that lack of wordplay at court, fell flat with me. I pressed him for accuracy’s sake. He said his initial was ‘S’ and that was all I could obtain. Then it got worse. I asked for his knight's palmares. This brought on more waffling. I asked why he was reluctant. I received nothing for my question. Much lighting of the man’s pipe and thoughtful looks at the ceiling, followed by billows of smoke, were his only replies. Nothing of substance in other words. I was forced to decry his inability to accurately provide his knight’s deeds. Lessfear looked unperturbed. He claimed his role was different. I asked how this would be seen to be acceptable. He clicked his pipe and then smiled saying nothing. Infuriating individual. Just at that moment, a guard arrived from the forecourt. He offered a pouch to Lessfear. The guard said that Lessfear had dropped it outside. Lessfear looked relieved at this, grabbing the pouch and giving the guard several strange coins. This was a bounty I had not expected, not it appeared did the guard quite know what to make of it. Lessfear said he knew what it was to stand guard without expectation of reward. The guard grinned and looked at me somewhat accusingly, though I cannot think why. A guard’s compensation comes form his master. Lessfear then put his arm around the guard’s shoulder and walked away asking of the man’s family and doings until out of earshot. It was then I realised my questions were not going to be answered. A man most noisome.

The king gave the lord protector welcome to the court. It was evident the retinue had been at travel for some time. The king is well perceptive in noting such travelers’ dispositions. He did not ask for the page to recount his knight’s deeds. I was displeased that the man was to get off so easily. Luck was with him. The court made little of the presence of a veer within Sir Renaissance’s retinue. An assembly is not the place for such talk. A formal dance might and should be held. At that, the veer might be forced to tell more of himself and his reasons for being among men. I would recommend this occur.

Talk revolved around various aspects of the kingdom. Sir Renaissance was afforded the privileges of being a part of these matters as befit his station. It became clear that he and Sir Entinne had in common, a desire to see an end to a monster. This being is named, Ellabore. My knowledge extends to the facts that this Ellabore is a Infamous Monstrous. The creatures near its stronghold are Ellabore's to command. Of these followers, the Scaborous and the Leprsafe are the largest numbered. Sir Entinne looked well-pleased with the newcomer's desire to see off this Monstrous. Sir Renaissance seemed single-minded. So much so, that I cannot state that he showed much interest in either of the princess's situations.His care might have been lessened by the fact that his son, King Cealathonan of Ranthurm is already married. Yet, not even when he declared his marriageable interests previous and his current availability, did he venture the least glance or salute to the eligible princesses at court. It might be that he was unmindful of courtly manners or that his interests are most diverse. The king was not minded to take offence on his daughters' behalf. I noted that Sir Veserith glowered at the new knight's lack of chivalric word to the princesses. Sir Veserith di not make verbal retort or challenge, however.       Sir Entinne asked for the court's allowance to remove himself to talk in greater detail with Sir Renaissance about the action to be taken. He, as holder of the Tantamoor Ruins, is responsible for any who might venture into its locale. The king gave his allowance and the two knights departed the hall. It was thus a signal to conclude the day's business. All decamped the hall. The retinue of Sir Renaissance made out by the same doors as their knight. The family and the cloud knights remaining, left via the garden doors to take the fine, vernal air. I decided my place was with the royal family. I thought it best to be present to hear if the veer ventured to comment or should the bothersome page tried anything untoward. For this reason I cannot comment on the further discussion of Sirs Entinne and Renaissance.       Comission.

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