Illianna Character in Llyria | World Anvil
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Illianna was born to a human mother and elven father. Her father was gone long before her birth. She still holds a high opinion of him as her mother never speaks ill of him and tells her that he didn't abandon them, but was called away by his homeland. She chooses to believe this over the alternative.   When Illianna was 9, her mother fell ill. Due to the situation she tried her hardest to find work. During this time, she met several other desperate people who taught her easy ways to get coins that others' weren't paying close enough attention to. As time went on, petty theft would turn into much grander crimes. Despite her modest upbringing, she took to the criminal world very easily. She found her place with the have nots and joined in the dislike of the haves. By the time she was 16, it took very little to convince her to take on more dangerous jobs, as long as the risk was worth the reward. The only time she would pass up on a job was if it involved human trafficking, drugs, or somehow harming the working class.   In addition to her night job, she also learned many games of chance and became quite good in turning those chances to her favor. As her skill grew, she began to target those who would be unfamiliar with her particular skillset. She also became adept at the blade. Her lithe form kept her mobile and her quick wit served to help her improvise when needed. She is far from an expert, but her natural skill combined with her dirty tricks that were picked up from the underbelly have given her a reputation of someone who is not to be crossed. Currently, at the age of 22, she continues her work in the criminal world. In addition, she has made contacts that will reach out to her for mercenary work.   She has developed a cold exterior, always looking for a chance to expand her profits. Unbeknownst to most, she funnels every last copper piece back to her ill mother, using only what she has to to keep herself fed, clothed, and equipped. Due to the nature of her life, and not wanting to bring home trouble to her mother, she never takes a straight path home, nor does she ever take the same path. Just as her night life thinks she is just another orphan, her community believes that her coin is earned honestly and Illianna will never tell them differently, to protect them, of course.
Year of Birth
3970 STH 23 Years old

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