Revenants Species in Liturgy of Steel | World Anvil
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Undead monstrosities that stalk the earth to exact vengeance, to obstruct them would be a fool's errand.   Revenants are those who were betrayed in life and have been given opportunity to seek vengeance by the dark Goddess Niamalaice. The range of targets could range from a knight who broke an oath to his lord to an unfaithful spouse. They inhabit their former bodies and rise from the graves with only one purpose; to kill the people who betrayed them, some will go a step further and wipe out their whole families. Indeed, if the person or persons who betrayed the dead have long since died themselves, some will resort to targeting their relatives, related by blood or not. They have existed as long as recorded history, going back some eighteen thousand years.

Basic Information


Revenant are walking corpses, each one in varying stages of decomposition. Some may have missing limbs or arms or legs barely attached by a few sinews of muscle and bone. Revenants have been observed to withstand incredible punishment, shrugging off many mortal wounds. Luckily, they are susceptible to elemental magic, particularly fire and they are unable to cross running water. Most holy artifacts and blessed items are also quite effective. If the host body is too badly decomposed or damaged, a Revenant cannot cross over and may instead become a spectral being.   Revenants possess superhuman strength, able to rip off limbs and crush skulls with their bare hands. It is ill advised to fight one in close quarters, unless you have on your person a blessed weapon, specifically suited to combat the dead.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Dark sorcerers and necromancers have been known to exploit the superhuman nature of Revenants for their own ends. Doing so however interferes with the plans of the Goddess Niamalaice, often leading to terrible consequences. Strangely, this has done little to deter the more extreme individuals from enslaving such beings. The ashes of a Revenant are a highly sought after ingredient in Black Arcane for their properties are very potent in curses.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The sensory capabilities of a revenant depends on the individual, though all appear to possess some level of psychic powers. They possess a seemingly supernatural ability to track down people who have wronged them in some way in their past lives, even if they have moved hundreds of miles away. They have also been noted to cross incredible distances in short periods of time, leading some to believe they have the ability to teleport.
Revenants are only vessels for vengeful spirits and technically aren't alive. However, if they are successful in their mission for vengeance they will burst into flames, reducing to a pile of ash.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
Varies on the individual, though 'fresher' corpses are less decomposed.

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